Walk of Life – Day 25 – January 2021-Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. Proverbs 25:2
Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Acts 17:11
“The Bible is no lazy man’s book! Much of its treasure, like the valuable minerals stored in the bowels of the earth, only yield up themselves to the diligent seeker.”— Arthur W. Pink
Being born in Christian homes, most of us hear this regularly, sometimes it gets a bit frustrating when parents keep saying, read your Bible. In church, in Sunday School, and many a times, elderly persons keep asking you this ” Did you read your Bible today?” Today, I feel so grateful that I read my Bible daily and not just read, I learnt to study my Bible. Paul writes to Timothy in II Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
You know why, because in life’s situations and circumstances, the more you store the Word of God in your heart, the more you are led to take the right decisions. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and literally so. It is the Word on which I can wholeheartedly rely, depend on, and follow. Make the Word your lamp, your lighthouse, your lantern, your guiding light, your torch…and never will you regret it. In times of disappointment, it will encourage you; in times of sorrow, the Word will put a smile on your face; when you stand at crossroads, it will show you the way; when all whom you love desert you and you feel all alone, the Word will be your eternal companion.
Another secret is do not twist God’s Word to your own benefit. Learn to rightly divide the Word of God. Systematically read and study your Bible. We listen to several sermons, especially these days, but one must be very clear and sure if it is not the right doctrine. That discernment will only come when you actually search and study God’s Word. Today we have more time for our mobile phones than for God’s Word.
It is mandatory to have your quiet time every day…nowadays we do certain things only if it is absolutely necessary and trust me, this is vital for your spiritual growth. If you have been just skimming through God’s Word just because it is a must or you have to answer someone, begin anew. Begin your quiet time with a time of worship by reading a psalm. Read one chapter in the Book of Proverbs daily. Read your daily portion and write down one verse that touched you. This is Bible reading. Once a week at least, allocate some time for Bible study. I am listing the types of study, you can go through them and try doing once a week. The more you fill yourself with God’s Word, you will remain in the will and plan of God.
SOAP method of Bible Study
- S ~ Scripture – Write down the scripture portion
- O ~ Observation – What are the facts? What do you notice about the people, location, subject-matter?
- A ~ Application – How does this apply to your life?
- P ~ Prayer – Go on your knees with praise, thanksgiving and any prayer requests and questions that you may have.
Inductive Bible Study
This is a very reliable method and the key divisions are observation, interpretation and application
Word Study
We love words but what did they mean in scripture? What is the root word in Hebrew or Greek? In what context has it been used in different passages in scripture. This will give you a lot of insight.
Verse Study
Read the verse in different translations. Write your own paraphrase. Check the culture, the context, the meaning in those specific settings and so on.
Character Study
Its interesting to study people in the Bible. It gives us more insight into how God can take ordinary people and use them in extraordinary ways for the furtherance of His kingdom.
These are just a brief outline to motivate you to dig deeper. God’s Word is a treasure house. Psalms 1 and Joshua 1:8,9 assure you that if you cling to the Word of God, the Lord will bless you abundantly.
New Year Resolution: Lord teach me in a new way to store God’s Word in my heart so I may not sin against thee. Let reading and studying thy Word become a part and parcel of my life. May your still small voice become very precious to me. May I treasure thy words in my heart.