PROMISES TO CLAIM FOR EXAMS “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord”. Proverbs 21:31(NIV) Always remember to do your very best…the Lord will bless your efforts and reward you abundantly. Listed are a few promises to hold on to while writing your exams. When I am afraid: What time I am afraid, I will trust More...

The Story of the Resurrection Eggs for Little Hearts
It’s Easter time again, and when we were younger, Daddy would make it a point to get us Easter eggs with chocolates in them. I did not particularly like the crust but would enjoy eating the chocolates. Today, More...

Understanding the True Meaning of Christmas for Little Hearts – Day 10
Bible reading: Philippians 2:6 – 13 Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:7,8 And its Christmas…the day celebrated by the whole world that the Lord Jesus was born. This may not be the exact date, but we celebrate More...

Understanding the True Meaning of Christmas for Little Hearts – Day 9
You are very precious to Jesus Bible Reading: Psalm 139 Memory verse: Psalm 139:17 The Christmas message was shared with ordinary shepherds watching their sheep by night. The message was also conveyed to wise men More...

Understanding the True Meaning of Christmas for Little Hearts – Day 8
Bible Reading: Luke 2:1-7 Memory verse: Mathew 6:33 Have You Any room for Jesus? Just imagine that night. Mary and Joseph have reached Bethlehem because there was a census and everyone had to be in their hometown. More...