Published On: Wed, Jun 3rd, 2020

The Best Gift you Can Give to the Master

Do you love gifts? We all love surprises and gifts and it excites a person irrespective of age especially children and elderly. How about giving gifts to our loved ones? Sometimes it becomes difficult to pick a gift for them thinking whether they would like it or whether it would be useful or how long-lasting it would be? Very often, such questions rise in our hearts and minds.

We always desire to gift something which is durable and useful so that they use it and remember us…though it is not our intention, we tend to remember the giver and feel glad or bless them. And often it gives us so much joy when we talk about it to someone. However, we are not to desire for earthly gifts as the Bible says, Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

Life is a gift

I and my three and a half year old son along with our family members went to the house of our brethren whose grandpa slept in the Lord. So when they were carrying the long wooden coffin to bury, my son asked me Mom what is it, is it a gift? I was shocked for a moment and then paused and said yes my son. His question made me think! I justified myself telling him that life is a gift that God has given us and in return, our life, soul, and our deeds are a gift to Him when we leave this world. 

Spiritual Blessings are God’s Gifts

God has given us this breath, life, and salvation – Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! (2 Cor 9.15) , parents, children, wife, talents, reconciliation, everything that we have we receive from the Lord by His grace. Faith is also a gift (Eph 2.8). Do we have enough faith to wait or receive on our gifts. Are we assured that God’s plans and His timings are the best during our period of trials and waiting?  Yes we tend to forget that our faith is a gift from our Lord and we sadly pat our own backs for the things we do by the grace of God.  How careful are we with the small gifts that we receive from family and friends compared to our accountability for all the good things that we have received from the Lord. For the small gifts we find every possible occasion to give them in return the best but what about the gifts that we have received from the Lord.  In Mathew 5.23-24 “Leave there thy gift before the altar.”  So before our gift is offered the precious thing to our Lord is our reconciliation with others, it may be a family member or a friend. As far as it is in you, be at peace with all men.

Using my Talents for the Lord is my Gift to Him

Are we using our talents for the Lord or just saying am busy and thereby burying them? 

The best gift we can offer to God is me – myself and when you say ‘Here I am Lord send me!’ Is it not true that God wants only our availability. When the Lord commands his people “Go into all the world and Preach the Gospel or Go and dip yourself in the river or Go and sin not or Go to Nineveh,” all that He expects is implicit obedience, total complete surrender to His will. God wants us to be ready for the Master’s use and our steps be ordered by God.  Deuteronomy 26.2(b) says … and shalt go unto the place which the Lord thy God shall choose to place his name there.  We are carrying the name of the Lord wherever we go.  Deuteronomy 28.10 says And all the people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the Lord and they shall be afraid of thee.  This is a blessing for those who obey the Lord’s voice.  Are we sure that we are glorifying the name of the Lord in our life and actions? 

God has given his only son Lord Jesus Christ who is perfect and without blemish as a ransom for our sins.  And He had risen again on the third day to make us reign with him and receive eternal life, the gift of God.

Will you live your life in such a way that the Lord will be more than delighted with the gift that you give Him in return. You must hear the words of the Master “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

About the Author

- A born-again believer who loves to write and meditate deeply on the Word of God to know the heart and mind of Lord Jesus Christ. Few thoughts are shared here to bring souls to Christ and to uplift the fallen and also for me to learn first by writing whatever God speaks to me.