Walk of Life – Day 30 -Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs
Proverbs 30:25 Ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer. (KJV)
Ants have been described as a people, because these tiny creatures live in communities. They are one of the tiniest creatures. They are not considered as strong or mighty. And then there is a “yet.”
“Yet they prepare” is a very interesting phrase in this context. That is definitely one reason why they are said to be wise though they are not strong and they do not have a guide or an overseer or a ruler (Proverbs 6:6,7). Yet this group of little laborers is preparing for the winter, always busy preparing their meat.
We are to consider the ways of the ant that is, we need to prepare for the coming days. Though we are weak, we must never be discouraged or depressed. We should be wise like ants and be ready to meet the perilous days ahead by exercising and building our faith; being watchful in prayer, earnest in serving the Master, and “store up treasures in heaven where neither moth and rust doth corrupt.” (Matthew 6:19,20).
It is very important to be prepared for the coming of the Lord. How do we prepare for the coming of the Lord?
Follow the Lord Jesus wholeheartedly, obey His Word, live according to His will, and use your talents for the Lord’s glory. Live each moment expecting the Lord’s return. Do not be worried about earthly possessions, be sure your name is written in heaven and you are living your life in a way that will bring you great reward.
Are you ready to meet your God?
Are you storing up treasures in heaven?
Is your light so shining before men that they see your good works and glorify your father in heaven?