Published On: Thu, Jul 2nd, 2020

Walk of Life – Day 3 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs


Proverbs 3:28. Say not unto thy neighbor, Go and come again, and tomorrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee.

As a born-again Christian, the Lord Jesus Christ, himself is our role model. The entire world knows him as the epitome of love for his sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary. Not just that but the two commandments that we have received from the Lord in the New Testament as mentioned in Luke 10:27 are to love the Lord and our neighbor.

Today, I would not hesitate to mention that to love is the hardest thing of all that a human can do! If we try to ponder why it is becoming hard these days to love someone, we can get the answer from 2 Timothy 3:1&2 “…In the last days… men shall be lovers of their own selves.”. People these days are so busy loving themselves that as a result they forget to love their neighbor. During these times the very elect might err as the ruler of this world – Satan is very subtle. (Read 1 Peter 5:8)

There will be many instances as a child of God where we determine to follow Him in all ways but we fail miserably at simple points. We being in flesh err many a time, we fall and God lifts us up. There is nothing to worry about it as we are yet to be delivered from the presence of the sin.

Coming to the above verse from Proverbs, which speaks about helping a neighbor, in most cases we fail to do it. We often encounter people who along with seeking help, test our patience. I know a person who is a child of God who was constantly being asked for help by a woman. Initially she had the patience to help but slowly when she realized that the person is being completely dependent, she started getting irritated. Her perception led her to become angry whenever she was called for help. Slowly she started hiding herself whenever she was called for help. Yes, she is a child of God. Do you know how she supported herself? She thought if I do not help her, she will learn by herself. And she even thought that being angry is a sin so she better not be available thus stopping herself from being angry. However, by hiding and not helping did she not sin?

Satan does this to us. He fools us by giving foolish assertions to our foolish deeds. Whenever someone comes to us seeking for our help in any matter, first we need to realize that it is not you who is helping them but it is God who gave you the resources to help them. If you are rejecting to help that does not make you good and safe but it makes you disobedient to God’s commandment of loving your neighbor.

Come out of your comfort zone to help your neighbor.


Dear Lord,

I come into your presence accepting my rude behavior towards those who tested my patience. I pray to you that you fill me with your love and give me the ability to love my neighbor and help them whenever they are in need. In the matchless name of my Lord and my Savior Jesus Christ I offer this prayer with thanksgiving , Amen.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.