Published On: Thu, Jul 9th, 2020

Walk Of Life, Day 10 – July 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs

Proverbs 10:1(NIV) 

   A wise son brings joy to his father,
   but a foolish son brings grief to his mother.

Have you noticed the Bible not only talks about a wise woman and foolish woman, wise man and a foolish man, and here we notice its about a wise son and a foolish son.  It means wisdom is for both young and old.

Children who are brought up in the fear of God, reading Gods word, and learning good behavior from parents, learn to obey God and parents as the word says:

Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” This is the first commandment with a promise or say blessing.  Many teens or young people who wonder why nothing is going well with them need to recheck on obedience to God and to parents.  If we obey, the word of God says that it shall be well with us.

Parents’ joy is in their children.  A wise son/daughter brings honor to his father. S/he obeys his father and that brings joy to the father’s heart.  S/he fears God and parents as well as it is the Lord’s command.  The holy character of a child gladdens the heart of a parent.  He sees in it the best results of his training.

A foolish son/daughter brings grief to his mother. Mother is said to be an epitome of love and patience bearing up with all the unruly behavior of the children and raising them up to be responsible in everything they do.  Mother is our first teacher.  A foolish son/daughter causes his/her mother’s toils and anxieties fruitless. A heavy cloud lies on her soul.

Have you seen mothers covering up their children’s mistakes sometimes to protect their children from spanking or receiving scolding from father.  Yes mother bears up most of the child’s misbehavior as she is the one who is around her children all the time and it is not kind to trouble her with your behavior. Sin leads to follies and breeds grief.  The unholy character of a child saddens the heart of a parent. There are sons who have no regular business or a young man of inherited wealth, or the poor young man who has neither energy nor ambition to rise.

If you are a child of God you will obey your parents as it is the Lord’s command, Are you a child of God?

Are  you a wise son/daughter in whom your father takes pride?

Are you a foolish son/daughter who causes grief to your mother?

About the Author

- A born-again believer who loves to write and meditate deeply on the Word of God to know the heart and mind of Lord Jesus Christ. Few thoughts are shared here to bring souls to Christ and to uplift the fallen and also for me to learn first by writing whatever God speaks to me.