Published On: Tue, Jul 14th, 2020

Walk Of Life, Day 15 – July 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs

Proverbs 15:8 “The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright is his delight.”

Once upon a time there lived a landlord in a certain village. He called his two servants and gave each of them a piece of land to cultivate a crop of their choice. He lent some amount as a loan to them so that they could begin their work. After a month, one of the two servants came to the landlord seeking for debt and the landlord gave him. This took place twice. The other servant did not come to take any debt but he came to repay the loan along with few precious gifts for the landlord. After few months the landlord summoned both the servants and asked them what they have earned after selling their harvest. The servant who sought the landlord’s help thrice had earned less when compared to the one who took less from the landlord but has given much in return.

Who would have impressed or made the landlord happy? The one who earned more. It is reasonable for the landlord to be happy with him only till he knows the crops which they have planted. The one who brought him more profit along with many gifts had planted an illegal crop and had indulged in an illegal business. Whereas the one who repeatedly came to landlord for help has planted paddy, took good care of it and earned profit which is less when compared to the other servant’s earnings.

The landlord might have been enticed by the precious gifts brought by the illegal servant as he is a human. But the God we serve is not a man to be fooled by material things. He is not the one who looks at the gift that you bring but he looks at the work that you have done to bring that gift.

Do you remember the poor widow in Mark 12:41-44? God did not see the two mites but has seen her background, he saw that she has cast whatever she had with her.

We also read in Acts 5:1-11 about Ananias and Sapphira, how they lost their lives for having a deceitful heart while giving to the Lord.

The policies of this world and the policies of God are quite contradictory. In world people strive to be successful by being independent. Whereas God wants us to be completely dependent on Him. He wants to see us kneeling in his presence, seeking His help in taking every step.

Lord does not feel disturbed, he delights to help. Things that we earn without seeking his advice and help can never make God happy, He considers them as an abomination.


Dear Lord,

            I subject myself to your sovereign authority. I admit that I can do nothing without your help. I place all my desires, needs, hopes before you, Lord. Guide me in your own way to achieve them in your appointed time. To thee alone I offer all the praise, glory and honor. In the name of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ Amen.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.