Published On: Thu, Jul 16th, 2020

Walk Of Life, Day 16 – July 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs

Proverbs 16:28 “A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.”

In the above verse, we find three characters who play a vital role in breaking a strong relationship. They are a froward man, a whisperer (gossiper), and the chief friends. In this article, we will read about how the behavior of these three characters results in the eventual breaking of a relationship.


Many of us have a wrong perception about a froward man. We imagine a forward man as a very young, poorly educated, less influential person. However, we find frowards even among aged, highly educated, and influential people. Sometimes the very people we look up to for some reasons turn to be frowards in few situations. So, it is advisable to “Look at Jesus” at all times.

Do you know how does this froward man works? He does nothing physically. All he does is that he voices his opinion when it is not required.

When there is an argument going at a slow pace between two friends when they are in public, the people surrounding them may have different opinions formed based on the argument. At this time, a froward man uses his foolishness in raising an irrelevant point and successfully heats up the argument. In the end, you do not find this froward man anywhere in the entire fight.


This is an advanced stage of a froward man. It does not satisfy this person by taking an argument to fight. What is his next step? He starts having one-on-one conversation or in other words starts gossiping with the people present there and instigates them to extend their meaningless support to either parties. He projects himself as a caring leader who would lead them out of unseen bondage.


There is a funny yet sad thing hidden in this verse. The froward man and the whisperer do their work happily and in the end, the chief friends or best friends face the consequences i.e. the separation. The froward and the whisperer can succeed as long as the best friends let them work between them.

What should these chief friends do to avoid separation?

  1. Do not make your argument public. This gives an opportunity for every person to give voice to their opinion which is not required mostly.
  2. Stick to the point you are discussing about, do not dig for past events or do not bring irrelevant topics.
  3. We read in 2 Timothy 4:3 about “itchy ears”. We should not possess these as they make the work of whisperers easy.

Separation is very painful for both who get separated. It is in us to resolve fights and get reunited. Humbling yourself will relieve you from the pain and helps you to enjoy the peace and happiness.


Dear Lord,

            I seek your forgiveness for voicing out my views unnecessarily when it was meant for me to be quiet. Forgive me for discussing about any matter which required no discussion. Forgive me for giving place to others in forming my opinions. Help me Lord to look up to you for your help and guidance in every situation. Help me to humble myself and be a peacemaker always. I leave my pride, ego and my stubbornness at the cross and seek you to fill me with humbleness and the nature to forgive and forget. In the mighty name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.