Published On: Sat, Jul 25th, 2020

Day 25 Walk of Life -Proverbs 25:11

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 25:11
An apple of gold is of very high value, beautiful, precious, and refreshing. However, the analogy is not about the apple alone it is the setting in which that beautiful apple is placed. The apple is placed in a beautiful framework of silver. Now this enhances its value. It is already precious, now the silver makes it more precious. That is the analogy of a word rightly spoken, a word of caution, encouragement, love, reproof, or a compliment. This word may be very precious and special but it is valuable only when it is timed correctly or in other words, spoken in the right circumstances.
Words, once said cannot be taken back. But how careless we are in what we say and when we say it. Today, words are everywhere, on all your social media pages, on WhatsApp, Twitter, what naught. It is not just the words you say, the words you type. I believe we are accountable for both. Especially when it comes to social media and anonymous comments, the words are truly appalling. Sometimes you wonder why someone would imagine like that and comment that way. No one knows who said it, but God does. If that comment hurt someone, broke someone’s life, sent someone into depression, we are solely responsible.
Remember we will give account for every single vain word that we speak. Let us speak positive words, words that will lift up someone and make them feel nice and happy. Let us be filled with the Word of God and the words that come from our lips may be well-thought and well-prepared.
A soft answer turns away wrath;
The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly;
A wholesome tongue is a tree of life;
A man has joy by the answer of his mouth,
And a word spoken in due season, how good it is! Proverbs 15: 1,2,4,23
These verses remind us that blurting out words aimlessly will get us into more trouble and is not pleasing in God’s sight. Be careful about what you speak. So the next time you feel like speaking something, picture an apple of gold in a silver setting and check if your words have that value.

Christ is our perfect example. His words were beautiful words of life. The people at the synagogue were amazed at His teaching. Mary the sister of Martha could not get enough of it (Luke 10:39). His enemies confessed that no man ever spake like Him. (John 7:46). His words of love and compassion could wipe tears, could heal the sick, could mend the broken hearted.

The next time we speak let us ask ourselves are our words APPROPRIATE, PLEASANT, PURE, LOVELY, ENCOURAGING, and SOFT and are we speaking at the right time and in the right situation.

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