Published On: Fri, Jul 31st, 2020

Walk of Life – Day 31 – July 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs

Proverbs 31:1 “The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him.”

In this chapter of proverbs, we find Lemuel’s mother teaching him the way to live. From her teachings we shall take two beautiful lessons for a child of God. Read the entire chapter for better understanding.

We live in a world which is being ruled by the mighty Satan. It is tough to not be influenced by the people and their weird practices, but it is not impossible. In this article we shall look into two of such things which influence the child of God while living in this world.

When a person encounters  trouble there are two options for him to choose. He can either escape from it or he can fight the trouble. People these days try for instant solutions. They prefer to escape which takes them deeper into the world of illusion and makes them feel they are safe from the trouble. In one news article I read about a man who was completely drunk and, in his semi-conscious state entered a lion’s den in a zoo park. How long will that person stay in that state, he has to come out of it after few hours. Just imagine if he sees the lion after he gets back to his senses! Same way as a child of God it is not meant for us to run away from the situation or to hide ourselves by taking temporal, instant solutions. When I was not aware of this truth, I used to watch funny videos on my mobile to forget my fears or worry. Once I finished watching those videos, I still felt that worry and pain. Then I realized that these are not permanent solutions for my worries. In my life those videos were like alcohol to me. You might be having some other alcohol in your life. Leave those temporal supplements and come to the real and permanent solution i.e. Lord Jesus Christ.

In olden days women covered their face and never showed their face to strangers. One day I tried to put on a different thing to my face. My grand mother observed it and told me to remove it as it might gain attention of people. I laughed at her but I realize how true she was after reading verse 10 from this chapter. Lemuel’s mother tells him, “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” Did you ever see a pedlar selling precious things like Gold and diamonds? Gold and diamonds are precious things which are sold in secured places. A woman is more precious than the above-mentioned metals. She should not be in a need to direct people’s attention towards her. Sometimes our practices might not have such intention but when you find that you are receiving unnecessary attention it is better you stop it. Do not try to reason. As a daughter of the king of kings place yourself in the safest place i.e. His will for you.

Not just in attire but also in the work we do we need to be careful about our intentions, motives and responses that we receive. Most of the young girls and boys these days have got addicted to social media to such an extent that they share their slightest detail on these platforms. They would like to display their talents which is not required. Talents are the gifts that we have received from God. We need to use them not display. Work with your talents to glorify God. Do not use them to attract people and increase your fan following. Because you cannot please the same person again and again and at the same time you cannot please everyone at a time. This makes your life hard and miserable.

Examine yourself and try to take a U turn for a better life which is pleasing to your heavenly father as well as to you.

Are you still trying to escape from troubles by taking the help of worldly things to divert your mind? God wants us to be overcomers not escapers.

Are you trying to mold yourself to these worldly customs just to fit in this world? We are not of this world so no matter how much ever you try you can never fit into this world and in its customs.

Live with a fear and enthusiasm that your heavenly father is looking at you.

Praise the Lord.

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