The Parables of Jesus – You are the Light and Salt of this World
(Bible portions: Matthew 5:14-16; Mark 4:21-25)
Many a times you might be wondering, “How do I keep myself clean or holy?” Every child of God strives to present themselves blameless before God every moment of their lives. Their only wish and desire is to hear God say, “Well done my child! You tried your best to stay pure.” But this is not our goodness or our efforts, it is solely because of His grace that we overcome temptations. But is this what God requires from His children?
This question can be answered clearly when we look into the sermon delivered by our Lord Jesus Christ on a mountain which is recorded in Matthew chapter 5. We look at the beatitudes that he has mentioned. We learn how we can receive blessings from them. When we read further, we see that Lord Jesus Christ has personified a believer twice to two different things that we use in our daily life. By these two things we realise our duty as a child of God. The two things are ‘Salt’ and ‘Light’.
When you place a pinch of salt on the tip of your tongue it will be salty. The same salt when added in a curry makes it salty. By this we understand that the salt’s nature is not only with itself but is imbibed to the curry in which it is added. We are the salt of the world. It is not enough if we are salty, we should make others salty too. We should not feel satisfied once we see ourselves cleansed by the blood of Lord Jesus Christ and as we grace the levels of spirituality step by step. As the salt of the earth do not lose your savor. There are many people around us who have lost their savor. They might have backslidden, may be they are depressed. Be as a savored salt, go to them, and encourage them with the Word of God which has the power to heal any wound.
Secondly, God has called us as the light of the world. The lamp teaches us not to be self-centered. Imagine a power-cut in your area. One member of your family lights a candle. Where would he place it? Will he put it in an almirah? No, he places it on a high platform so that the light reaches every corner of the room.
Being a child of God, we are made as lights of this world. However, we find very few who shine. That does not mean, the remaining lamps are put off. It is the place that matters. You might be burning and giving light but what is the use if you hide yourself under the cares of this world, fears and inhibitions? It is only when you completely surrender yourself to God, He will place you on His hill so that His purpose will be fulfilled through you.
Do not hide yourself. This does not mean you indulge in every activity. Wait upon the Lord and He will surely reveal you and place you on the hill on which you need to shine. Therefore, by your deeds people who look at you will glorify God and His purpose will be fulfilled.
Do you wish to be the salt and the light that God wants you to be?