Walk of Life, Day 4- August 2020- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.
Proverbs 4:18 ” But the path of the just is as the shining light,that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.”
It is so pleasant to have a look at the sky in the early hours of the day. You can find the darkness disappearing slowly and the light entering in bit by bit. This process takes place gradually. Light does not take over all of a sudden.
In the same way, we as believers have to travel amidst this dark world. However we neither stumble nor we fall because we have the light with us which shows us our way. The word of God is compared to lamp and light in Psalm 119:105. Practically when we look into this verse God is telling that a just man’s path is not dark but it has light. Light for him to take his step. A lamp does not give light for the entire path but it gives light for a certain distance. The Word of God will show us the way that we need to walk on. As we keep walking the way seems more and more brighter as we approach the the source of light i.e. our Lord Jesus Christ. The place we are heading towards and preparing ourselves is the place where there in no darkness.
Without the lamp our journey becomes tough. So it is mandatory to carry your lamp while you walk in Christ. That is the reason we are constantly advised to read and meditate the word of God.
The word of God is everything for a believer. Whatever situation you are going through there is a perfect solution written in the Holy Bible. It is a perfect guide for a spiritual walk.
If there is a power cut at your home what do you do? You immediately switch on a torch or light a candle. What happens if you walk without lighting anything? You will hit something on the way. In the same way if you dare to start your day without reading the word of God then you need to prepare yourself for the unfavorable consequences. Everything seems confusing to you.
So my dear friend do not forget to read and meditate the Holy Bible, because it is the only map and lamp that we have in this dark world to reach that glorious place called Heaven where our Savior resides.