Walk of Life, Day 5 – August 2020 – Thought from the Book of Proverbs.
Proverbs 5:21″ For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings.”
After reading this verse I was reminded of two incidents which took place a few years ago.
Once I had been to a college to appear for my semester exams. The management of that college had fixed CCTV cameras in all the rooms that year. A rumour was circulating among the students that the cameras are not working. A boy believed that rumour and made few funny faces standing in front of that camera. He was observed by the college authorities and was punished later.
The second incident took place in a school. A teacher was working in a start-up school. She was very much addicted to her mobile phone. After a year, the school management installed CCTV cameras in all the classrooms. This made it difficult for her to use her mobile. She cleverly arranged her bench behind a cupboard so that she could hide herself while using the mobile.
CCTV cameras are the most common things that we find in every place. In shopping malls, apartments, offices and examination halls, these cameras are used to monitor the actions and movements of people. The just will never worry or care about their presence but the ones who plan to do mischief will be searching for them and be vigilant.
When I read this verse which says that our ways are before the eyes of the Lord and that He is pondering all our goings, I thought about the CCTV cameras. It means that our movements and our thoughts are being monitored by our heavenly Father every moment. How careful should we be? The worldly cameras will capture just our movements but the Heavenly Cameras i.e. the eyes of our Lord capture our thoughts as well as our movements.
There are many like that young boy who fall prey to the deceitful Satan who says,”No, God is busy watching over someone else. You continue in your sin.” And there are others like that teacher who think they can hide themselves from God.
One day, a teacher called his students and gave each of them a chocolate and asked them to eat it while no one sees them. All of them searched for a place where they could hide and eat. However, one boy returned without eating the chocolate. When the teacher asked him the reason, the boy replied,”God is watching me all the time.”
Yes, God’s eyes behold everything. He is never so busy that he cannot watch over you. His eyes are enough to view every soul. You cannot hide from the eyes of God.
Open your Bibles to Psalm 139:7-12 there we see how beautifully the Psalmist describes about the Lord’s reach. There is no place that God cannot reach.
Dear friend, if you are trying to hide yourself or trying to lead a careless life, just remind yourself that all your doings are being monitored by God. Just imagine how would it be if the works which you are doing get exposed before everyone. If you are feeling uncomfortable with that thought then it is not the right thing to do.