Published On: Sun, Aug 16th, 2020

Walk of Life, Day 17 – August 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.

Proverbs 17: 22 “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”

We all know that we have four gospels in the Holy Bible – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. All these gospels tell us about the life of the Lord Jesus on this Earth. We must have heard many preachers tell that we are the fifth gospel who show the Lord Jesus through our life. There is no mention of the Lord Jesus being frustrated at people. No matter at what hour they came to him seeking for His help, He was there for them. The above verse teaches us an important lesson which will help us to live like Christ.

I know two doctors who work in the same hospital. Whenever any one of us in our family feel sick, I always hope that only the doctor whom I prefer stays in the duty at that time but not the other one. Both are equally qualified, but the difference lies in the way they treat the patient. The one whom I prefer has a very good ability to calm the patient whereas the other simply causes the patient to worry more with his fear and suspicions.

People cannot lead a solitary life. At some point they look for a help. Sometimes all they search for is an understanding heart. They do not expect others to fight for them but they want them to be available for them. We read in this verse that a merry heart is a good medicine. It is so true. When a person looks at you and gives a smile even if you do not know him, you smile back. Smile is contagious we can say! When a friend of yours is deeply worried, he searches for one who can cheer him up. If you yourself are deeply troubled and approach him with a sad countenance, he does not feel like sharing his worry with you.

I do not say that a child of God never faces worry. We face many situations in our life which makes us worried. However, we have a remedy for it. Unlike others who carry their sad countenance and look for people to comfort them, we have our Lord Jesus who will care for us when we cast all our burden upon Him. There is no need for us to search for comfort in people. Whenever we feel low, we can go to Christ, He will surely comfort us, take away the broken spirit and place a merry heart in us. With that merry heart, we thank Him and worship Him.

This does not suffice. We being encouraged and comforted by the Lord Jesus ought to make others happy. When you find your friends worried, it is your duty to comfort them and encourage them. When you have a merry heart in you, then you can heal the unseen wounds of your friends. If you do not cast your care upon the Lord Jesus, you will have the broken spirit which makes you worried. You being worried cannot heal others, instead you will harm them more.

The lesson that we learn from this proverb is that we should first ask the Lord to give us a merry heart which can be used to heal the unseen wounds of our dear friends. When people see you, they need to feel happy that they can share their worry. They should not try to run away from you in a fear to be overloaded by your troubles on them.


Dear Lord,

You are the only one who cares for me and the one on whom I can cast all my cares. When I come with a broken spirit to you, you comfort me and replace that broken spirit with a merry one. You desire that I heal my friends who are worried with the merry heart you have placed in me. Help me in carrying this merry heart to the gentiles who do not know you. Help me in directing the weary souls to you. Also, help me in living a life which reflects you. In the mighty name of my Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.



About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.