Walk of Life – Day 23 – August 2020 -Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs
Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless: for their redeemer is mighty; he shall plead their cause with thee.. Proverbs 23:10,11
Most of us know and sing this song,
“I know that my Redeemer lives;
what comfort this sweet sentence gives!
He lives, He lives, who once was dead;
He lives, my everliving Head.”
Samuel Medley was the author of this song. He was raised in a Christian family but he during much of his youth did not follow the Lord. In 1759, he experienced a miracle that transformed his life. He was a member of the British navy, and was in a ship, where there was an intense battle taking place with a French ship. His leg was badly wounded as a result of the battle. As time went on, the wound became worse and the doctor of the ship said that the leg needs to be amputated. The doctor said that if the leg did not improve, the next day he would amputate. Medley then went on his knees and asked the Lord, for help. Miraculously, his leg had improved and amputation was not required any more. After this incident, he wrote many hymns of which this song “I know my Redeemer lives” became very popular.
This verse says “Remove not the old landmark.” In ancient days, all plots were marked as is now also and the Lord was displeased when someone tampered with that. To apply this to our days, we have all become so modern and slowly are moving towards modernized ways of doing things. Accepting and using technology is definitely not wrong but make sure you are not removing the old landmarks. The teachings in the word of God, the commandments of the Lord remain the same for ever and ever. There is no change to that. Practicing honesty and integrity has definitely not been outdated yet. In dealings in our secular work, always remember the Lord expects complete sincerity and hard work. There should be no compromise. If you tamper with His divine principles, then danger is at the door.
The next verse is so precious…their redeemer is mighty, not just the redeemer of the orphans and fatherless, but each of us is so helpless. Whenever you feel lost, helpless, despised, rejected, taken advantage of, trampled under feet, spoken ill of, remember you have a strong and mighty defender who will take up your cause.
We find ourselves very often in these strange situations where you realize that there is nowhere to go. Whichever side you go, it seems someone may deceive you. The best place to go is to the feet of Jesus. Leave your cares and worries there. He is our righteous advocate and He will plead your cause. He will do it a million times better than anyone else. In work, we very often feel someone is trying to trouble us or trying to put us down. Never fight back or argue or spoil your reputation. Take it to the Lord in prayer and He will defend so wonderfully.
Truly because He, my Redeemer, lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds my future, and life is worth the living only because He lives.