Published On: Thu, Aug 27th, 2020

Walk of Life, Day 27 – August 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.

Don’t brag about tomorrow, since you don’t know what the day will bring. Proverbs 27:1

In Genesis 1:14 NLT, Then God said, “Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years.”  God created the light and darkness, morning and evening, day and night, and seasons and years.  God created TIME.  We often forget this fact and make many plans and few boast about themselves that they are going to do this or that and achieve something great on their own strength.

The Bible talks extensively on today – Today is the day of salvation.  Disciples were asked to follow the Lord Jesus immediately, they had to leave their fishing nets, parents, jobs and follow HIM wholeheartedly, and they all obeyed the Lord’s command.  The thief next to the Lord Jesus on the cross received forgiveness spontaneously.   In Luke 23:43, Jesus answered him, I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in Paradise. The Lord sent fresh manna as food to the Israelites and they were not allowed to store in for the next day even if they did, it would become stale except on the Sabbath, the Holy Day.  We always forget that our life and everything is in God’s hand.  He’s got the whole world in His hands. So our ‘tomorrow’,  never brag about it.

Some may plan evil, few others  to earn money in wicked ways, some may plan a trip, what if God asks you your life tonight as in Luke 12:20.  As children who walk in light, we should not boast of our tomorrow, we should plan it in the presence of God and say God-willing, we shall do these things.  We are alive by His mercy and grace and we are not to boast of ourselves in anything rather give place and glory to God  everyday.

“Live life today to the fullest, do your best, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is never promised.”

About the Author

- A born-again believer who loves to write and meditate deeply on the Word of God to know the heart and mind of Lord Jesus Christ. Few thoughts are shared here to bring souls to Christ and to uplift the fallen and also for me to learn first by writing whatever God speaks to me.