Walk of Life, Day 06- September 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.
Proverbs 6:34 “ For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance.”
Sometimes when we read the word of God, we come across few verses which resemble the situations which happen around us in our daily lives. That is how the spirit of God guides us in our daily walk.
Few days back, I happened to read about an incident where the husband abandoned his wife after he found some boy texting her inappropriately. He beat her and was in full rage that he wanted to thrash the boy if he had found him there. Though the wife did nothing wrong, she was beaten up by her husband very badly. Later when the boy realized his mistake, he came to apologize. However, he was welcomed with a tight slap from the husband.
Today when I turned to Proverbs chapter 6, I found a situation which resembles the above in verses 32 – 35. The words here talk about a sin named adultery. We might think that this particular sin is not concerning us. Not just adultery, but we overlook many such sins as we do not see ourselves committing them physically. The adultery that we see in these verses is spiritual.
We all know the relationship between the Lord Jesus and the Church. The Lord Jesus is the bridegroom and the Church is the bride. The Church is the group of people who are washed in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now we can clearly understand that the Lord Jesus is the husband and we the wife, the Church. When a human being having many imperfections in him cannot tolerate when some one has an affair with his wife, how can we imagine that the Holy God who gave up His everything for His wife would remain silent when some one messes with her?
We see about the Church and the people who try to defile the church. Being espoused to the Lord Jesus, we ought to be faithful to Him till he comes to marry us. The wicked Satan wants to defile us meanwhile. So, he distracts us using his power by showing us lusts. Being in the body of Christ, we try to amputate ourselves by yielding to that temptation. Is this not adultery? While we are still with the Lord Jesus, we give an opportunity for Satan to intervene and drag us away from Christ by enticing us.
How can Satan entice us when we are with the Lord? It happens because though we are a member of the body of Christ, we do not submit our heart completely to the control of the Lord Jesus. We leave few parts of our heart vacant. Satan looks at these vacant points and attacks us. These vacant spots might be our career, family, friends, and many others. We restrict God and His plans only to few specific sections and withhold the remaining. Our God is not rude like Satan. If He wills, He could have ruled over humans like we operate robots. However, God has given us free will. Until and unless you give Him the control, He is not going to take it.
The God that we serve is a jealous God (Deuteronomy 4:24). He will not force you to surrender yourself completely but if you do not do so, then you will receive partial blessings but not in full. The people who give way to Satan to work though them in disturbing the body of Christ will not be spared by the Lord Jesus.
You might be withholding few areas in your life without subjecting them to the power of the Lord Jesus. By doing this you are not just losing your blessings but also giving an opportunity for Satan to attack you. This will anger God and cause grief to Him. So, submit yourself completely to His sovereign authority. Do not withhold any area considering it as dear to you. Place everything in the hands of the Lord and you can see His marvelous works in your life.