Published On: Mon, Sep 7th, 2020

Walk of Life- Day 8, September 2020, Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.

Proverbs 8:1 “Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice?” (NIV)

Recently, I was talking with my mother over the phone. I was narrating an incident to her with great enthusiasm and expected her to reply in the same manner. While I was yet speaking, she put me on hold and attended to my sister who was asking her something sitting beside her. I got annoyed and lost all the enthusiasm in narrating the incident to her. Is it not true that we get offended when we find the ones whom we consider as the best listeners being least interested to know what we want to share with them?

In the verse mentioned above, we read that wisdom is calling out loud. Why does understanding raise her voice? Why do we raise our voices or get offended? When we are trying to say something and the other person turns a deaf ear. It is the same with wisdom and understanding. She calls out to us and tries to make us listen.

We might question ‘When did wisdom speak to us?’, ‘What efforts did she make to reach us?’

Wisdom according to Deuteronomy 4:5,6 is the Law of the Lord, that is, the Word of God. In Proverbs 8:2-3 we see the efforts made by the wisdom to reach the children of God. In our daily lives, we see the efforts made by the Spirit of God to reach us through the word of God. We begin our day by reading our daily portion from the Holy Bible, family prayer, all church meetings, few scriptural messages on social media either in a picture form or as a video. In all these, the wisdom of God is calling out to us so that we hearken unto the things being shared by it to us.

Why then are we not able to hearken unto the call of wisdom?

Though we happen to hear and read many messages from the Word of God we still continue to be passive listeners. According to Ephesians 2:1, we are not dead spiritually but are living through Christ Jesus. Spiritually, all the members of our spiritual body are working perfectly. The problem does not lie in our members but the problem is that we do not want to listen to what God has to say. Most of us pay keen attention to the word of God only when we have need. We do not carry the same enthusiasm throughout the year. However, God does not take a break like we do. Every time you open the word of God, He has something to talk to you. You keep reading and He keeps talking. After few minutes, you close the book and leave the place not hearing to what God has spoken with you.

Every time we open the Holy Bible, let us realize that we are about to read a letter which has come from God to us telling us secrets of living. In verse 17, we read that wisdom loves them that love her and they that seek her early will find her. Early does not mean early in the morning. I heard a story in my Sunday school where our teacher told us that in end days, the Holy Bible will be taken away from us. So, we need to read and meditate the word of God thoroughly while the book is still with us. I now understand what the phrase “taken away from us” meant. We have to agree to the fact that we are slowly marching towards the times where the word of God is scarcely available, rich and sound doctrine will almost be rarely available. While we still have time, let us prepare ourselves in listening to what God is speaking with us.

Whenever you read the Word of God and you feel God has not spoken anything with you, then immediately kneel down and ask Lord to open your eyes so that you can see wondrous things in His law (Psalm 119:18). Carry wisdom, that is the Word of God in your heart and she will carry you throughout your life.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.