Published On: Sat, Oct 3rd, 2020

Walk of Life – Day 03, October 2020 – Thoughts From The Book of Proverbs

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths Proverbs 3:6(KJV)

I am not good at making decisions I always need approval of my dear one or a well-wisher.  I can never make a decision on my own, even while I shop, from my childhood I need the approval of my parents, sister or whoever accompanies me for shopping,  if none accompanies it would be by sending pictures to help me in making decision.  Sometimes it became an added advantage but sometimes it created some major problems.  It is wise to take others advice in our ways, never to forget that ultimate decision should be made by our heavenly friend in every step that we take.

Acknowledgement is very important without which there is no guarantee that our works have been carried out successfully,  if a bank transaction-either credit or debit is made, you receive a message to your mobile, suppose you do not receive a message after you paid certain amount through an app how confusing would it be?  Last day, my Dad and sister went for shopping and bought few things and paid the amount to the shop owner via a phone app,  they did not get an acknowledgement message that the transaction was made successfully,  so they again paid the amount in cash and came out.  They went to the ATM and checked their transactions and noticed that the amount was actually deducted but there was no acknowledgement message to the mobile nor from the shop owner that he received.  They went back spoke to the shop owner and took back the extra amount they had paid.  All this confusion was just because there was no timely acknowledgement message received from the bank or maybe a network issue.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is a ever-present help,  we need to acknowledge him in all our ways just like we check for the acknowledgement messages for various transactions and are at ease,  we need to ask ourselves these questions often depending on what we are into, questions like – “Is this God’s choice for me?, Is it useful?, Is it worth spending my time?, Is God in it?,  Will God approve my thoughts,  Am I pleasing God or glorifying God in doing this?. ”  He is ready to answer us and help us. He is a dearest friend who is always with us.  We need to invite Him into our every choice and every way that we take.  If God is with us who can be against us?  If God is with us in our ways we could be at ease as he takes care of every hurdle that we face in the way that He had approved.  If not you need to face unnecessary pain, trouble and fears and still God helps when you seek His forgiveness and cry out to Him in truth.

When we acknowledge God in our way and seek His approval in prayer and by reading God’s word,  He would direct us to take our path, not just that, he lays a path for us.  Recently, we went out to a play ground and my son wanted to run in the ground but there was grass all around and not very convenient for running as he’s very young.  In that grassy ground we found a track/path it was made by itself, as two national players who practice running everyday they run in the same place so it formed as a path.  In the ground which is full of grass and weeds we could see this path clearly.  They are using that track which is free from grass and bushes.  Likewise, God is able to make ways in the wilderness,  he can show us a perfect way in our confusing thoughts.  Isaiah 43:16 – God who makes way in the sea and a path in the mighty waters is ready to help us in our ways when we ask Him.

How can you not acknowledge His strength in your ways and be lead in His paths which are safe – beside the still waters Psalm 23:2,3 and righteous – paths of righteousness? How far have you allowed the Lord to be in control of your paths?  Is the lamp-word of God leading you, and showing clear paths?  Are you holding onto Lord Jesus and His promises when you have hurdles in the way that he had shown?



About the Author

- A born-again believer who loves to write and meditate deeply on the Word of God to know the heart and mind of Lord Jesus Christ. Few thoughts are shared here to bring souls to Christ and to uplift the fallen and also for me to learn first by writing whatever God speaks to me.