Walk of Life – Day 05, October 2020 – Thoughts From The Book of Proverbs
Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel: Proverbs 5:9 KJV
As human beings we are tend to commit mistakes. We lack knowledge and many decisions that we have taken in our life has absolutely gone wrong. The reason behind it is the wisdom that we have lacked.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, whim we serve is the only wise God, our help and our shield, and does not regard evil. Remember that He is a just God in all his doings He will reward everyone according to their works.
Our Lord has assured us that He will direct our ways and counsel us with His eye.
The Holy Bible has answers to every question that we have though The Bible had been written thousands of year ago but the word of God stands true and apt even to this day. When God is speaking to you through His word you may turn the page or scroll downwards, and neglect the word, but if you are in the plan of God and He is willing to change you, His word will be in your heart and the Holy Spirit keeps reminding you. It’s in your hands to either accept the word and use it like a good soil or harden your heart like Nabal.
God knows our desires and our heart and our weaknesses and strengths, everyone has got their own weakness and strengths. Satan tries to defeat a believer through his weaknesses when a believer is seen without the armour of God and without a firm determination for Christ, can be termed as a careless believer.
Such a believer is subjected to fall often by the wiles of the devil and becomes a tool in Satan’s hands. Men and Women are supposed to keep themselves pure from the lust. Without holiness we cannot see God nor can we hear His voice nor perceive His deeds in our life. One who goes after his own thoughts and lust can never please God, one who is given to his/her own evil desires and thoughts does not honor God’s word has to be ready to bear the consequences, knowing that none can escape the wrath of God unless repented. Men loves to be honored and strive for it, God’s word says I will honor them that honors me, and also those who honor God lightly will be lightly honored. If he/she loves a person more than the word of God and the promises of God is making an idol for one self and is committing grievous sins making oneself more worse than the previous estate. Making years cruel and giving place to wickedness. The only way to get rid of sin is to run away from sin like you run away from a prowling lion.
Let us not worry about what has happened in our past. Let us every day receive counsel from the great counsellor so that we will surely not spend our years to the merciless.