Walk of Life – Day 27 – October 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs
Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart: so doth the sweetness of a man’s friend by hearty counsel. Proverbs 27:9
“It is better to be alone with God. His friendship will not fail me, nor His counsel, nor His love. In His strength will I dare and dare and dare until I die” Joan of Arc
In the words of Bishop Patrick “As balsam and fragrant perfumes marvelously refresh and comfort the natural spirits, when they droop and are tired; so doth the very presence of a true-hearted friend, and much more his faithful counsel, rejoice a man’s soul; especially when he is at such a loss, that he knows not how to advise himself.”
There are many situations in life where we know not how to advise one’s self. It may be a difficult crossroad, the loss of a loved one, a time when you feel mistreated and dealt unjustly with, and so on. These situations, you really feel blank and lost and truly a good friend is the best solace.
From a very young age, I believed that the best friend you can have is the Lord Jesus. He is the best because you can trust Him wholeheartedly. He will do you no wrong. He will not leave nor forsake you. And whenever you lack counsel, fall down at His feet and receive His wisdom and leading in your life. The Word of God is truly sweeter than perfume and ointment to the heart. To maintain a close friendship, constant contact is necessary similar to how we speak to our friends for hours together. It should be a two-way communication. So time spent in prayer and reading the Word draws you closer to Him. Abraham spoke to God as friend to friend. The Lord says ” Shall I hide from Abraham this thing that I am going to do” What greater privilege than to have the Ruler of heaven and earth as your best friend.
Another aspect of a true friendship is that as time passes, you imitate your friend. We need to be so close to the Lord that His beauty begins to be seen in us. When your best friend offers advice, for you it carries a lot of weightage. You may tell your parents so and so said this and I think she is right. You will not turn down the advice or disobey since that may affect your relationship. The Lord Jesus says ” You are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you.” It is not only important to receive counsel, but also to follow it.
Also, always remember to have only the Lord’s children as close friends. It is very easy to be taken away by the things of this world. I have heard many youth say, I will marry this person and then win him/her to the Lord. Please remember, marriage is one of the closest relationships and it is NOT a soul-winning venture. “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers” is a commandment that needs to be obeyed.
Be very careful while choosing your friends. They can either pull you down or build you up. Hold on to the Lord and only have a friend whom your best friend Jesus would approve of.