Walk of Life – Day 31 – October 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30
This is a very familiar verse that we often quote. The Proverbs 31 woman is the perfect, ideal woman that the mother of King Lemuel wanted him to seek after. She painted a perfect picture of a wife for her son. It is important to note that this chapter was written by a woman for her son, to teach him what to actually seek for in a wife. She emphasizes the fact not to be carried away by mere looks but to glance within, at the purity of the heart and soul, of a woman who truly honors and gives the Lord the highest preference in her life. So young man, seek after a woman who truly loves and serves the Lord and who is the Lord’s choice for your life. And young woman, seek to be that virtuous woman!
The Bible has beautiful examples of virtuous women who truly feared the Lord and walked in His ways.
May we emulate the patience of Sarah who learned through trial and testing to submit to the plan of God and His authority. May we have the balance of Martha’s heart of servanthood and the heart of genuine love and worship of Mary. May the boldness of Queen Esther, the strong will of Ruth to follow the Lord wholeheartedly, the wisdom of Abigail, the bravery of Jael and Deborah, the humility and submission of Mary the mother of Jesus, the hospitality of Lydia, the tears and prayers of Hannah, and the faith of Naaman’s little servant girl be our portion. This list goes on and there are so many beautiful characters of women in the Bible who emulated the perfect Proverbs 31 woman in their lives.
Many of us are not very comfortable with this chapter because we know we may never meet up. She is wise, smart, meticulous, disciplined, and probably possesses every single characteristic that we may want to have. However, I believe that if we fear the Lord, all this just comes naturally. If we walk each day with the knowledge that we are being watched by our heavenly father who kept us on this earth for a reason, we will never live a careless life. If we know that for our thoughts, for every word we speak, and for all our actions, we are accountable and we will need to answer one day, we will never waste a minute of our lives. We will invest for eternity. May we be men and women who seek the Lord and seek to please Him in everythimg.
A woman of beauty. A woman of grace
A woman of excellence, Beholding God’s face
She walks with the Lord with integrity,
Knowing her purpose and destiny
No matter what happens, She walks in God’s love,
Reflecting the beauty, Of her Father above.
By M.S.Lowndes