Walk of Life – Day 19, November 2020 – Thoughts From The Book of Proverbs
Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying. Proverbs 18:18 KJV
There is a story in value education which helps kids understand about good and bad habits. The story goes like this “once a teacher took a student out into the school garden and showed him a sapling and asked him to pluck it out. The student plucked it very easily and gave it to her, as they walked by, the teacher asked the student to pluck a tiny plant by using some energy, the student achieved it and handed over the plant to the teacher. Finally the teacher asked the student to uproot a big plant which is of the boy’s size, the boy said said that it is very difficult for me to uproot this tree. The teacher said to the student, it is the same with bad habits. If you allow bad habits to grow, it grows into a big tree and it is becomes difficult to get rid of them when you grow.
The teacher told the student that whenever corrected of bad habits one should accept the correction and cultivate good habits.
The story above is apt to the verse we read, however these days it is almost a crime to beat children and even in schools, utmost care has to be taken for children not to be punished or even spoken sternly to. It is therefore difficult for parents and teachers to correct children and especially restrict them from the effect of smartphones. Sadly enough, today children spend more time with smartphones than friends or teachers or parents.
The word of God stands true forever and ever to the children of God. The Bible is the ultimate standard of living. The word of God says to chasten the child, even though they cry so pitifully, if as parents we do not correct them, you are going to be accountable to the Lord for their bad behavior and their behavior in the society and in the church.
A child who is covered by prayers can never go against parents’ wishes and even if he does, the Lord will correct him. Many parents have become slaves to desires and happiness of children. In many houses, children rule and not parents, which causes damnation. Children are given prime importance in every decision which is not good for a child’s development.
It is important for a parent to correct where they should correct, where there is scope for encouragement they must encourage, and when they should accompany a child in the absence of their friends they should. God’s wisdom in abundance is needed to raise children. I have seen parents though they are godly and worship the Lord, when it comes to their children, they listen to their son’s or daughter’s voice rather than the Lord’s voice. They end up compromising several issues just to please their children.
The younger a child is taught, the better. Also, we need to live by example. Rather than framing a set of rules and making children follow them, we need to live a life that is righteous, in line with the Word of God, instill and imbibe God’s Word in our children so that when they are older they cling on to God’s Word and the fear of the Lord and they will not falter.
“If we don’t teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to.”
“Teach your children two things and you have taught them well – To love the Lord with all their heart and to have a heart of compassion for others”