Published On: Sat, Dec 12th, 2020

Walk of Life, Day 11 – December 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.

The Lord Jesus Christ – Our Wonderful Counsellor.

Proverbs 11:14 “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.”

Once upon a time there lived a young king whose father was the wisest king ever. After his father passed away, he had to take up the responsibility of the king. As he was new to administration, he sought for the advice of the council of advisors he had in his kingdom. One day, a group of people approached him seeking for his favor. They wanted the young king to be easy with them unlike their father. The young king did not answer in haste but sought for some time from them. After the people left, he called the council of advisors in which both young and old were present. He put forth the request made by the people and sought advice from them. The advisors who were old in age advised the young king to do as the people requested him. Whereas, the advisors who were young in age asked the king to be strict and stubborn to show how powerful he is. Sadly, the young king took the advice of the young advisors and the result was very dreadful. The kingdom broke into two.

This is not a cooked up or a fabricated story. This is a true incident which took place in the history and is recorded in the Word of God the Holy Bible in 1 Kings 12. This chapter is entitled as ‘The great divorce’. Though the young king has taken a right step in seeking the advice of the counsellors, he erred in choosing the right one to follow. Taking a wrong counsel is equal to not taking a counsel at all.

It is an undeniable fact that life is new to every person. No one has got the privilege to see the entire life first and then come back to live it carefully. When we are set to take up a new task, we often search for the advices from the people who have already done the task earlier. this brings us to a conclusion that ‘taking advice from an experienced person leads to safety.’

We have read about many attributes of the Lord Jesus. One such attribute is that He is our Wonderful Counsellor. Let us try to see how this wonderful counsellor has been working in our lives.

We might have selected few people who are closely related to us to be our counsellors. However, not every advice from them leads to safety. Sometimes, we might taste the failure.

As a child of God, we have got the greatest privilege of having our Lord Jesus as our ‘Wonderful Counsellor’. How wonderful it feels to have someone with us who knows everything and is willing to guide us at our every step!

For instance, imagine that you are going to a new place. You have got the road map to reach that place. Just then, you find a person who lives in the place that you want to reach and offers to take you there. Will there be any sort of fear or worry in you? We would rather be so confident and relieved.

Shall we take a moment and examine how many times did the Lord guide us in our lives till today? In our daily chores at home, study centers, work places, spiritual walk there is no such field where God can not guide you.

We have got the road map that is the Holy Bible which is filled with the Word of God which provides us the instructions and shows us the way to live our life. We are really blessed for we have multitude of counsellors whose counselling does not confuse us. Their counsels are the same and lead us to safety always. We have the Word of God, Spirit of God, God Servants, Fellow believers to edify us spiritually and guide us at our every step.

Meditate the Word of God, have fellowship with the Church (Body of Christ), be led by the Spirit of God in this way you can get His counsel. God’s counsel can never go wrong. He delights when we depend on Him. When we depend on God, we should not be having any reservations or doubts. Never try to mix your human knowledge with the divine assistance.

Today, let us thank our Lord Jesus for being a wonderful counsellor to us throughout our life. If you still have not experienced the counsel of God, it means that you are not seeking for His advice. You are always in a haste to do the work according to your knowledge. In that case, you are destined to fear all the time. Now is the right time you make the Wonderful Counsellor your guide.

To make Him your counsellor you need to put your trust on Him. Are you willing to accept and follow the counsel of God? Did you thank Him for His counsel?

“Acceptance is taking from God’s Hand absolutely anything He gives, looking into His face in trust and thanksgiving.” – Charles Swindoll





About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.