Published On: Fri, Jan 8th, 2021

Walk of Life- Day 8-January 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.


Proverbs 8:18 “Riches and honor are with me; yea, durable riches and honor.”

Once upon a time there lived a poor old man. He lived in a small hut which was by the roadside. He sat on the steps of a big supermarket and looked if someone would give him money as alms. Seeing the poor man’s state, people with kind and generous heart gave him some amount. Few days passed and the old man was not coming out from his hut. People who passed by complained the municipality to check the hut as there was a foul smell coming from inside. After they went in, they saw the old man lying motionless on a mat. He was dead. So, the people thought of burying him and took his body by the mat on which he was lying. They were shocked to see all 10-rupee notes arranged beautifully. When they counted the amount, it summed up to few lakhs. The old man spent only Rs.20 per day and sometimes he went to bed with an empty stomach. He saved lakhs of rupees, but sadly he never lived a life enjoying them.

These are the earthly riches and honor. You work hard, run from pillar to post to earn them, but you can have them only while you are living. They do not last for a long time.

We all must have learned a very important life lesson during this pandemic. Riches and honor cannot help us to purchase life and they are of no use after the soul departs the body. Whatever we earn should be spent or enjoyed here while we are still living. What is the need to run behind the riches which do not give us what we need the most?

Here we have our heavenly father who is the source and giver of riches that last forever and honor that no one take away from us. Death has no power over our riches that we get from the Lord Jesus.

One day a believer slept in the Lord, as she was welcomed warmly to the heaven by an angel, she was amazed to see the wonderful roads laid with gold and many more amazing things around. Then she saw few mansions, she was wondering which one she would get. While she passed a very big building, she asked the angel whose it was. The angel replied that it belongs to her friend who was very poor. This woman felt happy thinking when a poor woman can get a big building, how big her building is going to be. Finally, they arrived at a small hut. The angel said, “Here is your mansion.” The woman was angry. She asked,” How could you do this to me? I am rich and offered much compared to that old woman.” The angel smiled and replied,” The riches that you have gathered on the earth and the offerings that you gave do not store in heaven. God sees your heart and intentions. Your prayers, praises and worship, and your good deeds after you are born again build up riches for you here in heaven.”

This is a fabricated story, but the moral is very true. You might be rich and a well-known person or a celebrity, but nothing of these is going to make you rich in heaven.

Today God wants to give you new riches and honor. This new richness is found only in His word. As you read the word of God, you find greatest treasures. You get honor by following the Word of God.

The riches and honor that we get from God are durable. There is no expiry date for these riches and honor.

We read in Matthew 6:19-20, “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break through nor steal.”

This does not mean that we need to be living a poor life on this earth. We ought not to lay our mind on the earthly riches. God blesses you with plenty, praise Him. If He blesses you with nothing, praise Him. This should be the attitude of a child of God.

New Year Resolution: Dear Lord, I know that you are the one who gives me durable riches and honor. I have been a fool working hard for things that do not last for long and have neglected to spend time with you. I determine today to refrain from pursuing unwanted riches for unwanted glory. I want you and I will spend my everything to dwell with you. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.