Published On: Fri, Jan 22nd, 2021

Walk of Life – Day 21 – January 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs


It is joy to the just to do judgment: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity. Proverbs 21:15

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Every company has a mission statement. When they begin the company, they decide on the objectives and goals of the company. When you join the company, you are given a job description. This is what is required of you. If you follow the norms and work as per the job requirements, when your performance is appraised, you will be given a salary hike. If your performance is not satisfactory during your tenure at the company, your job will be terminated. Invariably, we very religiously follow the job description. You may do 100 other things but you will be doing your core job for which you are paid.

This may not be a perfect allegory, but in some way, Micah 6:8 looks like a perfect job description for a person whom the Lord has placed in this world.  The Lord requires three things of us:

  1. To act justly
  2. To love mercy
  3. To walk humbly

I believe that if you fulfil the job description of Micah 6:8, perfect joy as in Proverbs 21.15 will be your wages. In New Testament terms, once you are born again and you are a child of God, the Lord requires that first, you act justly. You need to be just in judgement. Every day we face judgmental choices. We make choices in managerial positions, we make judgements as parents, as teachers, as siblings in every area of our life. We need to learn the art of standing by what the Word of God says is true and right, standing for the truth, ensuring that justice is served in every small area of life. Being partial, having differing measures, showing favor, even in spiritual decisions is not right and not biblical.  I treat every single human being with respect and dignity irrespective of caste, creed, gender, race, ethnicity and so on. Every believer is equally important and equally precious in God’s sight. I practice accurate, truthful living. I do not try to justify my actions if I am wrong. I am not hypocritical. I am the same at all times, not changing according to situations. I need to be lawful, subject to the law. We need to live according to the moral standards set in the Word of God. I will do the right thing whether anyone is watching me or not. Acting justly means action…talking about injustice is not sufficient, we need to be salt and light in this world, easing the pain of many who are suffering.

Second, one needs  to love mercy. Facing insults without retaliating; forgiving for the umpteenth time; graciously bearing the consequences of someone else’s sin; reaching out to the lonely, neglected or addicted without expecting anything in return. This is what loving mercy looks like. I love mercy because His mercy justified me. When I love mercy and live mercifully, I show Christ to those around me.

Finally I need to walk humbly with my God. Today, there is this concept of being a self-made person. I am independent, I can do everything, I am the best, the most capable, and so on. Self-worth is important but not outside of Christ. I am who I am because of the grace of God and His grace alone. Without Him I can do nothing and I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me. In full and complete surrender, with the self crucified with Christ, my humble walk will bring pleasure to the master.

This is not possible with our own strength, the Holy Spirit Himself helps us to walk humbly with Him. The Lord has given us this key role of showing the world what it is to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. There is great joy in following the Lord’s commandments. You will have great peace and joy when you walk according to His will.

New Year resolution: Lord, may I learn to experience great joy by obeying your commandments, living in full and total surrender to your will and being fair and just, being humble, and also being someone who shows love, kindness, and compassion.


About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name