Walk of Life – Day 22 – January 2021 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs
New Beginnings – A Good Name
A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold. Proverbs 22:1
This is something that we all know but strangely we do not seem conscious of it in our daily walk. A name…it brings so many memories and so many images along with it. We normally associate a face with a name, and the face is someone who has impacted or influenced our life. In Christian circles, names like Ruth, Daniel, Esther, Isaac, Rachel, Rebekah, are pretty common but still when it comes to you personally there is just one person that may come to your mind. There is so much in a name, a whole personality, a complete set of characteristics start popping up in your mind.
The Word of God says a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. Every day of your life, remember one thing, your name should bring fond memories to people’s minds. If your name will bring fear, hate, anxiety, worry, discouragement, or disappointment to someone, it is time to reflect again. It is time to look within. Every step you take is observed by someone…maybe a total stranger but the impact is huge. You may not even know you made an impact but there will surely be a record in heaven. My name should bring a smile to someone’s face, my name should make someone feel more secure, more positive, more enlightened, more motivated to move ahead. Especially when it comes to bubbly children in church or in apartment communities, the minute you say the child’s name, strangers will recognize you. I love hearing from teachers oh that child, so well mannered…but many a time it would be oh that child, wonder how you even manage her!! We never would want to hear that.
I always imagine, when Bakht Singh uncle or Rev. Billy Graham or Rev D.L. Moody or any of the Gospel ambassadors of our day finished their journey on earth and stepped into heaven…that name would have resonated from end to end in heaven…angels would say ” You know who is coming home today?” The joy, the preparation, the music would be so amazing and exciting. The rewards would be kept ready, the mansion would be ready for occupation, what a joyous day it would be for them. Those people who valued that beautiful name of Jesus more than their very own, who labored, lived and sacrificed their lives for the cause of Christ, those whose names are written in heaven…how blessed are they. May we live each day in service of the master being conscious of the memories that we are leaving behind and the place to where we belong.
Also, remember one thing always in life. We need to command respect not demand respect. We cannot be men pleasers. Many people misunderstand this “good name” concept. It is not possible to get a good name with everyone or with all people. Just to ensure that no one speaks bad about you, many people fail to stand for what is right. The minute you begin pinpointing the mistakes of others, you are seen in bad light. You easily gain enemies when you actually stand for the truth. It is very easy to go with the flow. Always remember only dead fish flow with the current, live fish swim against it. The crux of the matter is this good name is not from man but from the Lord. The Lord should approve of your life and your actions. People do not see your heart or your motives but the Lord does. The Lord should say yes you lived up to My name my child. I am proud of you.
New Year Resolution: Dear Lord, as your child help me to be always conscious that I bear Your name and to live each day pleasing to you. Help me to realize that all my words and actions are attributed to my name and to Yours and to live in a way fitting to that.
” The best armor against slander is having an honorable past. A good name is always made of smear-proof material.”
” Integrity: A name is a blueprint of the thing we call character. You ask, what’s in a name? I answer, just about everything you do. – William S. Buroughs”