Walk of Life, Day 26 – January 2021-Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.
Proverbs 26:10 “The great God that formed all things both rewardeth the fool, and rewardeth transgressors.”
Though the word reward fills us with joy and anticipation, here in the above verse, the word reward puts a fear in the mankind. Here we read about the rewards being given to the fools and the transgressors.
Generally, when we think of rewards, we examine the way we have worked and expect something good. Today, at this moment, when we look back at the length of our days in the past, does our face gleam with joy or does the fear or tension paint our face?
We are the perfect examiners of self; we do not need another person to come and tell where we have gone wrong. We are the children of the highest God; we are blessed with the Holy Spirit who makes our conscious to remind us time and again where we have been acting foolish and where we have been transgressing.
We read in John 1:3 “All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.” And also, in Psalm 24:1 we read,” The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” This makes it evident that God, is supreme of the entire creation, there is nothing that has been formed without His permission.
We are accountable for all the blessings that we receive from the Lord Jesus Christ. One should never forget this in their life. The day we forget about being accountable of all the blessings that we receive from God, we tend to incline ourselves to our own wisdom and our own selfish motives. We must be always conscious of the fact that at the end of our lives we will be evaluated for what we have stored and will be given suitable rewards.
We all know that, God had created the garden of Eden, all the trees in the garden were also created by Him. He placed Adam and Eve in that garden, and had given them all the fruits to eat, except for one. If God wanted, could He not take away the tree from the garden? He had all the might and power, but He loved Adam and Eve, He gave them the free will to choose. Sadly, our forefather Adam chose to exercise his free will in transgressing the command of the Lord. It was his foolish decision which brought a reward, that is, death.
This reward was not just for Adam and Eve, but for the entire mankind that came through them. We all being born in sin, continued to transgress the law of the Lord, and have been foolish by living against our creator. The wages of sin is death and we were worthy to receive the wages in full.
The Lord Jesus Christ came to this world to take away that reward from us. He knew how helpless we are. We can neither purge away our sins, nor could we escape death and the destination, that is, hell fire. The Lord Jesus Christ had taken upon Him all the curse and blame, He became a substitute for you and for me on the cross of Calvary. He has stricken the death.
By one man’s sin death has entered (Romans 5:12) and by one man’s sacrifice death has lost its power (Romans 5:19). For whosoever believes in this man who has broken the sting of death, will receive a new reward, that is, the eternal life.
Dear brother and sister, are you still trembling with that old reward of death? Do you not want the new reward that the Lord Jesus Christ is offering you now? The new reward, that is, the eternal life is just a prayer away.
If you have already accepted the Lord Jesus, but have transgressed his command in some area of your life, remember I John 1:9. He is faithful and just to forgive you. He loves you dearly. Just like He rewards the fool and the transgressor, He will reward all those who trust in Him. Are you storing up treasures in heaven. Are you expecting a huge mansion and a beautiful star studded crown when you reach there? Are you sharing the Gospel, bring souls to Christ, and willing to suffer for the Name of the Lord Jesus? If not, start working for those incorruptible rewards. Live every moment for the Lord Jesus.
NEW YEAR RESOLUTION: Dear Lord Jesus, I am burdened thinking about the reward for my foolish deeds and for my transgressions. I do not want to receive that reward. I want the new reward which you are willing to give it to me now. I want the eternal life. I confess that I am a sinner, I believe that you died for me on the cross of Calvary, I accept you as my Lord and my Savior.
Lord, I love you but I fail you sometimes. Help me to be always conscious that you will reward me for the life I live as a Christian. Help me to store treasure in heaven. Help me to live for thee alone. In Jesus Name I pray Amen.