Walk of Life- Day 07, February 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs- BLESSED!.
Proverbs 7:2 “Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.”
A very well-known verse from the Holy Bible, John 10: 10 in which the Lord Jesus Christ says,” I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” In this verse we read that through the Lord Jesus Christ we get the abundance in life. Also, in Proverbs 7:2, we read that by keeping the commandments of the Lord we live.
There are very few people on this earth who feel their work is finished and they are ready to enter into the rest. Even a person who has fulfilled the primary duty as a child, brother, husband, and a grandfather, still wants to live as a great grandfather. At that age, the least thing that could do is to see, nothing else, still they wish to live.
This throws light on the hidden or an open desire of a human being to live eternally. Every one would want to erase death from the phases of life. This is not possible; death is sure and must for every living being. However, eternal life or the life in full is not a hoax. Every one of us can experience this fulness in life. We all can live eternally only through the Lord Jesus Christ.
What should we do to acquire this eternal life?
Eternal life is a gift, a gift given by God to those who believe in Him. If you want to receive this gift, there is no big battle that you need to fight. You just need to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ that He came to this earth to die for your sins, He shed His precious blood to clean you from sin, He rose up again from the dead, defeating the death. He has made Himself the way by which we can reach the heaven where there is no death at all. In this way we attain eternal life. People who fail to acknowledge the sacrifice that the Lord Jesus Christ has done for them on the cross of Calvary, for those who do not accept Him as their personal savior, there is no entrance to heaven. They end up in hell, eternally burning in the lake of fire.
It is up to you my dear friend to choose between eternal life and eternal death.
How can we experience the abundance in life?
When will a bucket be filled? We place it under a running tap and let the bucket be filled. When the bucket gets filled, it starts to overflow. This should be the experience of the child of God. We are empty vessels which should be filled with the Spirit of God continually. When we are drawn far from the flow, we experience the emptiness in our lives. When we are always under the divine control of the spirit, we will be filled by Him continually. Not just being filled, but also, we start to overflow.
How can we subject ourselves to the control of the Holy Spirit?
It is the decision that we need to make individually in our hearts. When you determine to be under the control of the Spirit of God, He will seal your decision and start filling you.
We need to have a personal connect with the Lord, in prayer. He alone should be our fort, refuge and our everything. Drawing away from the Lord is drawing nearer to the world. Once you step towards the world and away from the Lord, your connection with the Lord starts to get damaged.
Reading the Word of God would enable us to know what the Lord desires from us. Reading the Word of God can start as a habit, but as the years pass by, it should not remain as a habit, it should become an experience where you will get to know what God wants to speak with you.
In this way you stay in the control of the Holy spirit and can experience the life in full.
PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I come into your presence with thanksgiving for the eternal life you have gifted me by believing in the sacrifice that you have done on the cross of Calvary. I admit that I have gone astray from you many a times, yielding to the desire of this world. That is the reason I am unable experience the life in full. I know that it is only you who can fill that void space in my heart. I humbly bring myself under your sovereign authority and the control of the Holy Spirit. Fill me, Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ name I offer this prayer with thanksgiving ,Amen.