Walk Of Life- Day 17, February 2021, Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs
He who has knowledge spares his words, And a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. PROVERBS 17:27
A person of respect whom I happen to see daily and whose arrival into our premises makes everyone panic and stressful as no one ever knows when he will lose his temper and whom he will blast today.The instruction that he gives today, will be changed by himself tomorrow based on the person who does it. In other words he shows a lot of difference in the way he treats people. When he loses his temper, all the foul words that are under sky will be spoken and the facial expression will be certainly disgusting. It’s ironical to say that the first thing that he does when he comes into our premises is to pray. Every one has the same question in their minds as “How is it possible for him to pray with an agitating spirit?” Only we can understand that he is not a man of understanding.
Another friend of mine tries very hard to remain quiet and calm in situations that troubles her or works against her. She exhales and inhales hard, she tries to laugh, she drinks water, and though all these helps her but they doesn’t pacify her. She either will end up in shouting others or she will loose her self respect by crying in front of everyone.
At the same there is a very close sister, who have lost her father and there are many reasonable and solid reasons to show her anger on those who were the reason behind her dad’s death but she behaved calm and quiet and with utmost maturity she carried her grief and her eulogy to her dad was something astonishing. The level of Her emotional quotient was revealed on that day and that was possible only because she is a woman of understanding who has the blessings of an excellent spirit.
Dearly Beloved, in which category do you fall into? I have examined mine and I’m asking the Lord to immensely bless me with this blessing – The Blessing of an Excellent Spirit”. Won’t you ask the Lord to fill you with such a spirit.
A very close quote to my heart which has taught me a great lesson is that of Amy Carmichael which goes like this ““For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water, however suddenly jolted.”
Prayer: Heavenly Father, We thank you for your son Jesus Christ, who even on that heights of agony and pain remained calm and quiet, praying for the people who tortured him. Lord, as your disciples we should do the same, but Father we are sorry for we haven’t done so. Help us to be men and women of understanding filled with an excellent Spirit. In Jesus name we pray. Amen