Published On: Mon, Mar 15th, 2021

Walk Of Life – Day 08, March 2021 – The C R O S S of Calvary


Colossians 1:12 “giving thanks to the father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.”

Here in the title of today’s devotion we read about inheritance. Not just about inheritance, but also the word regained plays a key role in today’s devotion.

What did we inherit?

What made us to lose the inherited thing?

How did the process of ‘regaining’ take place?

The day the first man Adam was made, he was given the authority to be above all the creation that the Lord has created before he formed Adam. In simple words we can say that God has passed on or has shared the responsibility with Adam. Whatever God had; it was given to Adam too. The first man Adam has inherited the sonship from the Lord.

In Sunday school classes I have heard my teacher say, that Adam and God were like best friends who went for a walk every evening conversing about various things. Just like a school going lad waits for his father to come home in the evening to share what all happened in the school, Adam must have waited for the Lord so that he could talk with God. This is what Adam has inherited. We have inherited the fellowship with God which stands above all materialistic things that we could imagine of.

The scenario has completely changed after the entrance of sin through Adam’s disobedience. When the Lord has given him the freedom to have anything from the garden except for a fruit, Adam and Eve could not keep the commandment given by the Lord and disobeyed. That is where the sin found its entrance to the world. That is where  mankind lost the inheritance of having fellowship with God. The sin has dragged mankind to have its inheritance. Through one man’s disobedience, the entire mankind has inherited sin and its consequence that is the death.

The cross on which the Lord Jesus Christ died should remind us that now we have got back our inheritance. Tears of joy should fill your eyes when you get to know that you could be the son of King of Kings and Lord of Lords only through the cross.

By shedding His precious blood on the cross of Calvary, the Lord Jesus Christ has purged away the sins of those who believed in Him. By cleansing all their sins, He has made us His co-heirs (Romans 8:17).

There is a saying “A broken glass can be put together. However, the broken mark or the scar cannot be vanished.” There is no such scar or mark when the sinner gets reconciled with the Father through the cross. Every sin is not only forgiven, but is also forgotten. God says that He will never remember the sins that you have committed after you come to Him seeking for forgiveness.

At the cross, the Lord Jesus Christ has made us the children of God and has made us the co-heirs of His kingdom. We have regained the inheritance.

Let us examine, having being made the co-heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ, how is our behavior? Are we living like co-heirs, sharing the responsibility of the Kingdom of God? Or Are we considering ourselves as guests even after being made the children of the Highest?

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for being merciful to my unrighteousness and sins. Thank you purging away all my iniquity and for your wonderful promise that you will remember them no more. Thank you for making me your co-heir, to the kingdom of Heaven. I deserve none of all the blessings with which you have blessed me this day. Help me in leading the life given by you as your co-heir. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.