Walk of Life – Day 14 – March 2021 – the C R O S S of Calvary
One with Christ at the Cross
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ…words that hold so much of meaning. When I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in his cleansing blood, I am crucified with Him. My hands that worked its own way, that did things which it pleased, are now nailed to the Cross. No longer can these hands do anything that the Lord Jesus would not do. Those hands do not exist any more. Christ lives in me so when I work, when I use my hands, it is the hands of the Lord Jesus. Places I went before now need to be in subjection to the master, words I spoke before cannot be uttered except for the approval of the master, thoughts that I pondered on before now need to be in alignment with the mind of Christ. “I” should die…die to my own desires, my thoughts, my feelings, my ambitions, my goals, my way, my passion…no more I or my…it will only be Lord thy will be done.
Just think of your life today. We all know Galatians 2:20 right from our childhood but has the significance of that verse really sunk in? So many times, in worldly matters as well as in matters of the church, we want our way. Have we really taken everything that is of my ‘self’ and nailed it to the cross? Truly is everything that I do and say pleasing to the Lord Jesus and brings glory to His Name? Do those who see me see Christ living in me?
“Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me, All His wonderful passion and purity,
O, Thou, Spirit divine, all my nature refine, Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me,
Let my wonderful Savior be seen in me, His amazing compassion and constancy,
His great love is my goal, by His Spirit’s control, Till my wonderful Savior be seen in me,
Let the fruit of the Spirit be seen in me, Grant me grace all sufficient that I may be,
True and faithful each day, ev’ry step of the way, Pointing souls to the Savior on Calvary”
We need to be little Christs wherever we are. Always remember, people are seeing the Lord Jesus in you. They know you belong to Him. When your walk and talk seems to be contrary to the teachings of the Lord Jesus, then people begin to falter because of you. If I say Christ lives in me and I am rude, angry, or harsh in my talk, then I am living a contrary life. If I say I belong to Christ and cannot forgive my own brother or sister, then I am deceiving myself. If I say Christ lives in me and I cannot help the poor or do good deeds then how will the world ever see Christ in me? Ponder on these lines. Dying to self and living a life that shows forth the Lord Jesus is Christian life in a nutshell. Is that how our lives are? It is time to examine our hearts.