Walk of Life – Day 19 – March 2021 – the C R O S S of Calvary
Stations of the Cross – The Lord Jesus is denied by Peter
And immediately the rooster crowed the second time. Suddenly, Jesus’ words flashed through Peter’s mind: “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny three times that you even know me.” And he broke down and wept. Mark 15:72
Peter who loved the Lord Jesus very much denied Him not once but thrice in front of the people who testified that he was with the Lord Jesus. You may not have thought about it this way but many people noticed that Peter was one among the disciples of Jesus. He was the prominent one probably. Remember you are being watched by the people around you. They watch whether you are walking close to the Lord Jesus or whether you deny Him in your walk and talk. Whenever you compromise with the world, you may think no one knows but you may have offended some passerby unknowingly so always be conscious that you are Christ’s representative and not only the Lord is watching you, people around are also watching.
In Luke 29:60, 61 – Peter replied, “Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed. The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter.
Just imagine that gaze. The word in the original Greek is of a penetrating stare in someone’s face. I believe Christ’s look would have been one of love and compassion. Its ok Peter, I told you that you would deny me then you did not believe. The gaze would have pierced Peter’s heart. He would have realized that he walked and talked with Jesus for three and a half years yet at the most crucial time, he dared not stand with the Jesus. The fear of man, the fear of the scribes and Pharisees, the fear of what may happen to him gripped Peter. He forgot in an instant his long friendship with this Man. He forgot all the loving meals they had eaten together. He forgot all those wonderful miracles he had seen. He forgot how he walked on water and how his little faith made him drown. Peter could only remember one thing “Let me escape” and that’s what led to one of the Lord Jesus’ closest disciples to deny him.
We very easily say, oh Peter, he denied the Lord to maid servants. What kind of a disciple was he! My friend, are we any better? How many times have you hid your identity as a Christian that someone may make fun of you? How many times have you just quietly walked away in a heated debate about Christianity of fear of being avoided or branded? How many times have you stood for festivals and accepted gifts quietly just because you do not want to be in anyone’s bad books? How many times have you sang secular songs or followed the way of the crowd for fear of being rejected or left out? How many times have you seen posts against Christ and Christianity and said nothing? How many times have you walked into meetings probably even Christian and quietly seen things happening against the Word of God and not expressed your displeasure? The list is truly endless. We may not have said I do not know Jesus but the way we behave and the casual style in which we act definitely seems like we are ignoring and denying the Lord Jesus.
Christ is looking at you with a straight gaze that will penetrate your innermost spirit. He wants you to be His witness to that cold friend, to that atheist colleague, to that angry frustrated neighbor…He kept you where you are for a very specific purpose. Do not quietly ignore the penetrating gaze of the Lord Jesus. You may feel your friends will leave you or no one will respect you or people will talk ill of you. That should not matter if Christ is all you need. He wants you to be His shining light. Do not ignore Him or deny Him. He gave His life for you on the cross. He deserves your life, your all.