Published On: Sat, Apr 3rd, 2021

Walk Of Life- Day 20, March 2021 – The C R O S S of Calvary

Stations of the cross – Jesus faces the Sanhedrin

The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death. But they did not find any, though many false witnesses came forward. Math 26:59 – 60

The above verse says that the officials were looking for false evidence against Jesus to put him to death. Yet the Lord Jesus was innocent, they found no fault in Him. As the word of God says in Romans16:19 says “Be excellent of what is good and innocent of evil. Lord Jesus was innocent of any kind of evil”. Innocent, faultless, pure, holy, not even a blemish was found in Him. Christ was the sinless, perfect Lamb of God hence He became a ransom for our sins and the will of the Father in heaven was accomplished.

Everyone is very keen about purity even in daily life: pure love, pure friendship without any kind of evil, quality food which is organic free from chemicals, pure standardized products, we ensure that whatever be but is pure, without any chemicals and so on. Also, products in pure form cost higher. The Lord Jesus had paid a great price for us He shed innocent and Holy blood so that we would achieve His Holiness. What a great privilege! Once we are washed in the precious blood of the Lord Jesus, we have become His sons and daughters and are labeled a standard of quality. It is important that we do not go backward and lose our standards but rather an onward march in Holiness with Jesus.

Those who forget the holy standard given by God would not be guiltless and will provoke the anger of the Lord. The more we talk to Lord Jesus in prayer and know his mind through the Word of God, we would desire to walk in Holiness and please our Lord. Many false witnesses came forward to hold Him guilty but the officials did not find any fault. The righteous Lord Jesus bore all our sins on His own body and died on the cross. His innocent blood was shed for us.

The great sacrifice our Lord made is often taken for granted by many of us. Holiness in today’s world is hard to find. Faithful people have become few in number. Are we in that count of few holy people available to the Lord? The Lord’s holiness and righteousness has been imputed in us. That means when the Father looks at us, He sees His son’s holiness and purity. We are also blameless and faultless because of the shed blood on Calvary’s cross. If you have been given a new garment, do you not wash it daily and keep it clean. Being holy is an ongoing exercise. We need to commit our lives as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto the Lord.

Here are five simple steps to pursue holiness:

  • Call sin as sin, do not try to justify your mistakes, always ensure your conscience is clear.
  • When you realize you have sinned, confess it to the Lord and your fellow brethren
  • Obey God’s Word and keep that as your ultimate standard of obedience.
  • Learn to say NO to sin, worldly passions, and ungodliness
  • Pursue holiness over happiness

“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.”
~Titus 2:11 & 12

Prayer: Lord Jesus I cannot thank you enough for the innocent blood that you have shed on the cross to make me innocent of evil. Help me Lord to be innocent of sin and excel in what is good and pleasing to you. Help me to be always mindful of the great sacrifice that you did for me. Search me and sanctify me show me that which is displeasing in your sight. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

About the Author

- A born-again believer who loves to write and meditate deeply on the Word of God to know the heart and mind of Lord Jesus Christ. Few thoughts are shared here to bring souls to Christ and to uplift the fallen and also for me to learn first by writing whatever God speaks to me.