Published On: Tue, Apr 6th, 2021

Walk of Life- Day 6, april 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs- Dont’s.


Proverbs 6:4 “Give your eyes no sleep and your eyelids no slumber;”

Do not give sleep to thine eyes? Did this title startle you? Sleep is the basic necessity for a living being, it is vital. It is a state where our body lies in rest for few hours. While sleep is very much essential and a regular activity, but now a days, it has become a desperate want for many. In many professions we find people struggling to find time to sleep from their busy and packed schedules. On the other hand, many students plan for night outs during their exams which is not at all good. Sleep of 9 hours is mandatory for adults.

The word of God in Proverbs 6:4 tells us not to give sleep and slumber to our eyes and eyelids. What does this mean? How should we be applying this verse in our spiritual walk?

The sleep mentioned in the verse is not the sleep that we discussed earlier. This sleep is related to the rest we ourselves take in our spiritual walk. Sometimes, when we happen to depend on our own abilities, we consider ourselves more tired and fatigue of doing the work for the Lord. Only then, we refrain from doing more, and would like to take some rest. We do not wake up, until it is too late.

The word of God clearly says “Pray without ceasing, for this is the will of God”, and so we started our Spiritual life by praying for every single request. As the days pass by, we have started neglecting prayer.

What has happened to the enthusiasm that was present during the initial days? The fire in us has gone missing, for we have given sleep to our eyes. We pampered ourselves by telling, “You are doing a great job by praying. Your efforts are commendable. Why don’t you take rest for a while? You can always pray tomorrow. There is nothing that is going to happen in one day.”

Whatever we do, either we live or die, we should always keep this in our mind that ‘it is not I, but Christ’. When you are doing anything depending on your abilities, strength and interest, it makes you feel proud, and later careless. There are many who have given their everything in adding souls to the body of Christ. Now few of those leaders, are found sitting at their homes, being far from the assembly. Leading many to Christ, what has occurred to them that they stop coming to the gatherings? It is only because they have shifted their sight from God to self.

Let us examine ourselves this day, have we been sleeping and neglecting the work that God has prepared for us to do for the expansion of His kingdom? Have we been trying to find excuses to satisfy our ‘self’ instead of satisfying God’s desire?

Let us not lose the greatest privilege to do the will of God by sleeping and slumbering. Let we all be available for His service irrespective of time and circumstances. When you determine to look at Him alone, no matter how many people look and laugh at you, you still have the Lord Jesus who is going to pull you into a tight embrace and introduce you to His army of angels, “My faithful child.”

The little sleep and slumber could be because of your negligence, pride and ego. Do not let them ruin the God’s plan and purpose for you. Wake up and work for the Lord.

Prayer: My dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come into your presence accepting how careless I have been in doing your work. I have given rest to myself and have lost the connect with you. Kindly help me and revive your spirit within me, so that I would continue to work for you with your help. I admit that I can do nothing by myself, I need your help, Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.