Published On: Wed, Apr 7th, 2021

Walk of Life – Day 7- April 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs- Dont’s


Proverbs 7:25 “Let not your heart turn aside to her ways; do not stray into her paths,”

A believer is always susceptible to be drawn away from the way he travels in his spiritual walk. There is a fable. Once there was a meeting held for the angels of Satan which was presided by Satan. While the angels brought the list of souls they want to attack and distract, Satan was verifying the list. Satan told his angels not to waste their time over the souls who are already on their way to destruction, he ordered them to concentrate on the souls who are on their way to eternity.

When you are facing distractions, when you are being tempted, it is the trial of Satan to drag you from the righteous way to the path that leads to destruction. Remember, our God never tempts, He only tests. Temptations come from Satan alone.

As a child of God, we should be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16). It is very important to know the greatness of the battle field we are standing in. However, there is nothing to be frightened, because we are standing on the victorious side. The Lord Jesus Christ has defeated the Satan on the cross of Calvary. The enemy that is waging war against us in our spiritual walk is the defeated one.

This scenario can be likened to a lion cub being taunted by a wolf. A wolf who is terrified by a lion, never dares to trouble him. Whereas the lion cub who is very young, is easy for it to trouble. How can the lion cub revolt or frighten the wolf? Only when the lion cub realizes who His father is and tries to be as majestic as his father, can he frighten the wolf.

It is the same in the life of a believer. The wicked one, as he is defeated already by Lord Jesus Christ, so he has chosen to frighten us who are His children. We can overcome his deceptive ways by reminding ourselves whom we belong to. We belong to the victorious Lord Jesus Christ. When we start growing to be like the Lord Jesus, when our deeds and walk show Him, Satan would surely be frightened just the way he frightens on seeing the Lord Jesus.

However, as we read in the verse picked for the day, that the wicked one not always frightens us, but seduces us in such a way that we ourselves go astray from the Lord.

We know our weakness, but can do nothing about it. The Lord Jesus Christ knows our weakness and helps us in overcoming it. Whereas the Satan knowing all our weakness, uses them to attack us and fail us in every way.

Our enemy is not weak as we imagine, but at the same time he is not stronger than the strength that we as children of God possess (1 John 4:4). Satan uses the old interests that we had before surrendering our life to Lord Jesus, to tempt us. When we yield towards that direction, we tend to go astray from the Lord. God is gracious to welcome you back.

Dear friend, have you yielded to the temptations of Satan? Have you gone astray? Take a u-turn and come back to Lord Jesus Christ, and He will restore everything that you have lost.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.