Published On: Sat, Apr 17th, 2021

Walk of Life – Day 17 – April 2021 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – DON’Ts

Do Not let your spirit be crushed

A cheerful heart is good medicine,
    but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17: 22

The Word of God is so timely and so apt even in today’s generation. We are living in the days of a pandemic. For the past one year, we have gone through so much. Every day was a struggle as adapting to change is tough. Parents working from home full-time, children studying online, teachers taking classes online, no outings, no outside food, no picnics, we are living in the strangest of times. Each time you step out, you need to be safe and ensure you do not catch any disease. Never have we lived in constant fear of getting infected as is the case today. When we were younger, fever used to be so common and I honestly do not remember doing anything else except taking a crocin. But today, fever has become a scary term as it is linked to the pandemic. This fear has gripped so many people and they have become over-precautious. I think its time to remind ourselves that the Lord in in control. As I watch people’s reactions to a lot of things, I realized that we are letting our spirits being crushed by the weight of this pandemic. There are so many who are terrified of stepping out of their houses, those who would never visit a hospital, those who will never meet people at all, and so on. It is fine to stay safe but when it is absolutely necessary let faith overcome fear.

Remaining positive and cheerful is what will be the best medicine for these times. There is no point in getting worried and upset about what will happen tomorrow. Complete child-like faith and trust is what we need. It is very important to keep reminding ourselves that the Lord is in control. Many of our loved ones are infected and many have even gone to be with the Lord. Though it is truly difficult, remember that we will overcome…for sure. With the vaccination around, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Do not spend your days anxious or worried, instead spend more time with the Word of God. Learn new songs and hymns and listen to God’s Word by several servants of God. Be grateful for this precious time with home and family. Spend more time with your spouse, parents and children. Count every single blessing during these times.

Being cheerful, hopeful, trusting and happy will keep you safe in the Lord. Even if the pandemic affects you, the Lord will heal and restore and take care of us. A crushed spirit drieth the bones. Do not lose heart before anything even happens. Spend time with friends and family even virtual time is fine. Have a lighthearted chat…smile often, laugh more, and worry less.

I have nothing to do with tomorrow,
My Savior will make that His care.
Should He fill it with trouble and sorrow,
He’ll help me to suffer and bear.
I have nothing to do with tomorrow,
Its burden then why should I share?
Its grace and its faith I can’t borrow,
Then why should I borrow its care? –D.W. Whittle

Lord help me to trust in you like a little child. Help me to be cheerful, optimistic and happy. Help me not to worry about tomorrow because you hold my future in your hands.

About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name