Published On: Sat, May 15th, 2021

Walk Of Life, Day 15, May 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.


Proverbs 15:26 “The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD: but the words of the pure are pleasant words.”

The world around us is going through a very tough time. We all are very much aware of ourselves suffering and also the people dear to us suffering day by day. All we desire to hear one fine day is “It’s Over!” Is it not?

I heard many doctors say that this could be a normal virus only if we stop fearing. ‘Stay Strong!’ is the most heard phrase these days. Today God wants to remind us to check how our words are! He wants our words to be pleasant. What can these pleasant words do? How can we speak these pleasant words?

There is a video which is being widely circulated over social media. In that video a whatsapp conversation had been recorded. When a person informs of being effected by the virus how the response could be and should be is shown in that video. Initially the person types messages which could cause disturnance to the ailing person, but he erases the text and types it in a good manner which could help the ailing person recover. It was such a lovely video to watch. Sometimes our words work wonders, while at other times when we forget to check our words, they cause a lot of damage.

As a child of God our words must be seasoned, should be sweeter and gracious. We read in Proverbs 16: 24 Gracious words are a honey comb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. How are our words? Are they healing the wounds of people or are they irritating them?

With a heavy heart I appeal to each one of us to pray that Lord might teach us what to talk, when to talk and how to talk. Recently a family was going through a little tough time. God has been gracious and was helping them to recover. There were people calling to know how they were doing. Love of God was being manifested through the pleasant words which came from the mouths of His chidlren. However, there were few calls which caused irritation to the family, left them in tears. The words were,” You should not have done it. That became reason for your sickness.”; “What will happen if the levels go down?”,” You are worrying as if you are in ICU.” So pleasant to hear such words when you are in real need of courage?

My dear friend you might be going through a tough time. Do not worry at all. Our God is in control. Do not cringe at the words of the world that cause worry and fear. We all have a best friend who is ever ready to strengthen us and speak to us through His word. Read the Word of God which has those pleasant words that can heal any wound. Pray to God to send a faithful Messenger of His who could strengthen you.

My dear friends, if at all a person weak in heart comes to you to share how bad he or she feels. Do not mock at their helplessness. Remember, we as the children of God have put on the Lord Jesus. Just take a moment and think what would the Lord Jesus do or say when this person approaches Him. Read the word of God regularly. So that God will prepare you for the day and the Holy Spirit will guide you when you get a chance to speak the pleasant words.

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I humbly surrender my thoughts and my mouth to you. If I have caused trouble to anyone by my words, please forgive me Lord. Teach me how to speak pleasant words. Lord, when I find myself in grief, kindly provide me such pleasant words of Proverbs 16:24 which would heal me. In the mighty and matchless name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I humbly pray, Amen.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.