Published On: Sun, Jun 6th, 2021

Walk of Life – Walk of Life – Day 6 June 2021 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Fear Not

Proverbs 6:22. When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.

Fear Not…The Word of God will guide you.

Of late, seeing the present generation, I have always had the fear whether the Bible will become obsolete. With more and more children getting addicted to their smartphones, the fear that God’s Word will soon seem outdated to them always lingers. I think it is very important to instill the love for God’s Word at a very early age…a desire to read His Word and to hear His voice. Once you get into the habit of hearing the still small voice of the Lord, then it will become impossible to go on with life without it.

When thou goest it shall lead thee…I remember when my husband and myself had gone to Shimla, it was the heaviest snow in nine years. There was almost five feet snow and we were up on the mountain with no connectivity or any clue whether we will be able to go down the mountain and reach the main town. That day morning our portion was “And Jesus came down from the mountain” (Mathew 8:1). We prayed and the Lord made a way to go down the mountain. Truly His guidance and leading from His Word is always so clear and you can fully trust Him.

When thou sleepest it shall keep thee…one night when in hostel, I remember having very high fever. I had crocin but I knew the fever was really high and my eyes were watering. That night, I meditated in my heart, the cross of the Lord Jesus…by His stripes we are healed. It is not just cleansing but healing also by the power of the cross. I slept and the power of the blood kept me alive and I woke up with a song in my heart…a song of praise.

When thou awakest, it shall talk with thee…I was to appear for an interview in a reputed organization and I was very confident I would not get through…of all candidates why would someone select me? As I was on the way to the interview venue, there was a vehicle before me which read “Is there anything too hard for the Lord”…I attended the interview and was selected. When Christ becomes your best friend, His words speak to you according to your needs. He walks with you and talks with you. In sorrow, in sickness, in death, in joy, on the mountain, in the valley…in every situation the Lord is there for you.

Fear Not, His Word will be your guide. Just open your heart and mind to be receptive to his still small voice speaking to you.

When we hear the voice of God
Speaking to our hearts,
Do we obey and follow Him
Or are we slow to start?

I know at times it can be hard

To know the Father’s will,
We need to listen to His voice,
For He speaks when all is still

Many times we fret so much

And rush so much about,
We then find all our busyness
May cloud our Saviour out

So this is why we take some time

To be still before the Lord,
So He can speak into our lives
And show us so much more.

© By M.S.Lowndes




About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name