Published On: Thu, Jun 10th, 2021

Walk of Life – Day 11 – June 2021 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Fear Not!

Fear not for you will be delivered out of trouble.

 Proverbs 11:8 “The righteous is delivered from trouble, and the wicked walks into it instead.”

 Few years back there was a news in few local television channels which were warning the people living in that area not to come out of their houses during the nights, as they found few footprints of a leopard in the nearby fields. All the residents of that village and also the people of neighboring villages were gripped by the fear of leopard. They not only stopped travelling during nights, but few have also highly insulated their homes, so that the leopard would not show up at their doorstep all of a sudden. We would all be doing the same, if we were in such a situation. No one would like to invite trouble into their lives.

In the history we read about a person who was pushed into a troublesome situation. This man is Daniel. We read about him in Daniel 6th chapter. When Daniel was working as one of the higher officials few who were jealous of him, tried to push him into trouble. They enticed the king to pass a decree which would make Daniel to end up in a lion’s den. However, there is no such harm which can overpower God’s protection for His children. God shut the mouths of those hungry lions all the time Daniel was present in the den. The king went the very next morning to enquire about Daniel. With hope, he called out to Daniel, asking him, “Was your God able to deliver you from the lions?” For which Daniel replied saying how the living God whom He serves protected him. He adds, “because I was found blameless before Him.”

It is very frightening to see a wild animal, from very nearby. Spending an entire night with a group of hungry lions, shatters our hopes on living. The trouble that you are going through might be as fierce as the hungry lion, it might grip you with fear. Your fear will not make the situations better, but will make them worse.

Let us now meet the one who can deliver us from our trouble. He is the same God of Daniel, living even until this day and forever. The Lord Jesus Christ will deliver you from your troubles.

However, this deliverance is not promised to everyone, there is a condition attached. As Daniel says, “Because I was found blameless before God, He delivered me from the feisty and hungry lions.”, even we can get delivered only when we are righteous as we read in Proverbs 11;8.

How can we be found blameless before God?

How much ever you try to control yourself and try to act to be a very good person, you end up being a hypocrite and your deeds are counted as filthy rags according to Isaiah 64:6. Without the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ which was shed on the cross of Calvary, to cleanse us from our sins, and to present us blameless before God by covering us with His righteousness, we can never be blameless. Bringing yourself under His precious blood for cleansing is not one time or yearly or months or weekly activity, but every moment procedure. Only through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ we can be presented as righteous before God, enabling Him to deliver us from our troubles.

So, for us to be fearless during troublesome times, we have to be righteous, by being washed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.


About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.