Walk Of Life-Day 15, June 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs. Fear Not!
“Fear not for your prayer is the LORD’S delight.”
Proverbs 15:8 “The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD, but the prayer of the upright is acceptable to Him.”
Prayer time is a time when we lay all the burdens that we have been carrying in our hearts at the feet of Jesus. When we go to the LORD Jesus Christ in prayer, we submit all our requests to Him, casting all our cares upon Him.
We read about an unjust judge in Luke 18:1-8. A widow in order to receive justice approached him again and again. Though the judge rejected to heed her, one fine day, he felt bothered and gave her justice, so that she would not disturb him again. In this parable, we see that the judge did not delight in the widow’s plea.
The just judge whom we approach in prayer is not like that unjust judge. Our judge, the LORD Jesus Christ delights to listen from us. HE wants us to be dependent on HIM and approach HIM for any reason at any time from any place.
I heard about a person who had worked for few years in a very strict country, which had strict rules. That person used to pray while he was in the washroom. For us who have got all the privileges, the washroom seems unholy for prayer. However, you can pray from any corner, let not the circumstances disturb your fellowship with God at any cost. Our God sees our hearts not the outward appearance. In one instance, He compared the teachers of the law and Pharisees to whitewashed tombs. Outward appearance looks beautiful, but when you try to dig deeper, there is just foul smell.
Delight is a very beautiful word. When you see your little toddler take a few steps, you are delighted. When you see someone who you have not met for a long time you are delighted. It is happiness that is very special. The Lord feels so happy when you take your problems, your questions, your doubts, your anxieties, and your fears to Him. He is just waiting to listen to your voice, to hear you have communion with Him. He knows what you need before you ask Him, yet He delights in you asking Him. Prayer is a Christian’s most important weapon. You will never understand the power of prayer unless you experience it yourself. He feels so glad when you learn to trust Him for everything, depend on Him for everything, lean on to Him, cling on to Him. He is your Father. He does not always say Yes, sometimes He knows that NO is a better answer and some other times He says WAIT. He doesn’t seem to reply. Always remember He is there and He cares for you very much. Sometimes you are so distraught and disturbed that words just don’t come. God hears your heart…fear not! Have you sat quietly with a friend with tears filling up in your eyes and just been satisfied in each other’s presence. He delights in our sweet hours of prayer and we should too. Its bliss to go to Jesus’ feet, pure bliss!!
Without an upright heart you cannot approach God, neither with your prayer nor with your sacrifices can you satisfy Him. Lord Jesus Christ delights to see you approaching Him. Set your heart right, seek for the cleansing from your sins through His precious blood, go to the Lord, depending on Him for everything, even if you feel it as a simple task. Depending on Him, waiting for His counsel never bothers Him, but makes Him happy.
Why do we waste our time when we have got a prayer hearing and a prayer answering God, who is a Wonderful Counsellor too!