Walk Of Life – Day 16, June 2021 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Fear Not!
“Fear not, for the Lord shall make your enemies to be at peace with you.”
When peoples lives please the Lord, even their enemies are at peace with them. Proverbs 16:7
For once we were enemies to God, dead in our sins and against Him. Lord Jesus Christ loved us first and made us His own by the blood He shed on the cross. We are no more enemies now. If we are aware of this fact that we were once enemies to God and God loved us even then, we would humble ourselves.
Things may look so impossible but God’s word is so true, everything may pass away but Gods word is sure. We sometimes believe our conscience, sometimes we believe in other peoples words more than God’s word. When we forget the word of God, fear creeps in and paralyzes us. In the Bible, the word FEAR NOT is mentioned as 365 times as said by many Bible Scholars. Everyday we ought to take a capsule inside assuring the word of God FEAR NOT.
We may have different kinds of fears, a person who looks very strong outwardly may actually be the opposite on the inside having several fears. One such fear is of our enemies, who are our enemies? Now a days many are counting enemies for no reason, if there is a lot of difference, if someone does not agree with your ideas or thoughts or criticize they cannot be your enemies; we should be more mature in having confidence in ourselves rather getting shaky by others people’s opinions. No person is born with having same ideas, thoughts, or tastes we are made different and unique. We need to appreciate each others ideas and we need to strive to live in peace with each other however, though we do not have enmity towards other people some people tend to hate us for no reason may be they have a negative feeling toward us or maybe they are jealous over us. Always remember Adam and Eve were thrown out of the beautiful garden of Eden just because of their carelessness, obeying the creation rather than the Creator. Sometimes we may be careless about a person whom we ought to actually take care of and because of such an expectation, the other person develops bitterness.
Whatever be the reason, the word “enemies” bring about a negative feeling to our minds and is very unpleasant to hear of. Not only that it also brings lot of anger and sadness to all who are victims because of their enemies. Never at peace and always being in a disputing mood, taxes ones energy and expecting too much from a person also leads to enmity. We need to admit the fact that God is over all and is over your enemies as well. When we believe more in God’s promises and pray for our enemies, God makes peace with our enemies. Jacob prayed for his brother Esau, who though being a brother, was an enemy and was coming with 400 strong men. Jacob prayed for his brother and the situation that he was going to face that God may turn it over. The Lord wonderfully changed Esau’s mind and the brothers were at peace with each other. God hears our prayers he is concerned for you, he is hurt when you are hurt, in our afflictions HE is afflicted. He cares for you. We ought to pray for our enemies to be at rest, there will surely come a time when he will make us peaceful with them. If our life pleases God, He makes peace until then Lord prepares our hearts, prunes, cleanses, and clears the way to accept the other person. We ought to pray for our enemies, the Lord may change them or may change our hearts.
I heard of an incident from a dear sister in Christ who purchased a house and the owner of that house suddenly turned unfavorable and started behaving rudely by removing the mesh doors which protects against insects and mosquitoes. He strangely removed all those doors, spoke rudely, and everyone around were aware of what was happening. Neighbors advised to lodge a complaint to the police for the injustice but this sister took back the case that was filed against this person and decided to approach the living God who does justice to His people. She prayed with much burden for the owner and placed this situation in God’s hands and in their next visit, the owner spoke very peacefully and apologized for being rude and fixed back the mesh doors and windows that he had removed. The Lord only changed his heart.
What a wonderful God we have. We need to strive for peace with each other. Do not ignore them nor plan harm for them but as children of God we need to pray for them and it is our responsibility. He will make our enemies to be at peace with us.