Published On: Wed, Jun 23rd, 2021

Walk Of Life – Day 23, June 2021 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – Fear Not!


Let your father and your mother be glad, and let her who bore you rejoice.- PROVERBS 23:25

The arrival of a child into a family gives immense happiness to the family. Everybody in the family starts to prepare themselves in their own way. Along with the joy there is pain. The expecting mother suffers with the pregnancy sickness and still awaits to see her child. Once after the child is born, though not an easy process the happiness is abundant. Right from the first day of the child’s birth the timing slots for all the other chores changes. Most of the young parents nowadays experience Parental stress, and approach the help of physician to come over it. In all phases the happiness coins well.

Godly parents train their children in the way of the Lord. They talk about the goodness of the Lord, make them memorize the scriptures, Pray with them and chastise them so that they will grow in the way pleasing our Lord and bringing glory to His name. Though lot of measures are taken to protect them from this dreadful environment, Satan keenly awaits to pull them into his snare. Very much like never before, the present generation is tend to slip away from the shelter of safety.

There are many who have gone a long way into this world depicting and confirming the fashions of this world, clothing themselves with guilt and shame, while many have covered their face with an unprotected veil called as “pretending to be holy”. We can be successful in making the world give us a certificate and taglines like ‘Godly man’, ‘Godly woman’, ‘Godly son’, or ‘Godly daughter’. This morning be sure that our Lord knows each and every move of ours is watched by our Lord. However we might have been in the bygone days let us forget. If we have brought a bad reputation it meas we have brought an ill name to the Lord and so to our parents.

Make use of the present to overcome your failures in the past. Just like the father of the prodigal son our parents are waiting. Our Lord waits to give this honour to our parents. Nothing else can make our parents happy than to give them honour. Honour by fulfilling your responsibility. Honour by being wise. Honour by being holy. Our lord will surely give us opportunities to make our parents rejoice over us which certaily is a great blessing to us.

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.