Published On: Sun, Jun 27th, 2021

Walk Of Life – Day 27, June 2021 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – Fear Not!


You shall have enough goats’ milk for your food, For the food of your household, And the nourishment of your maidservants. – Proverbs 27 : 27

Though the topic for today’s devotion is on the 27th verse the beginning of it is in verse 23, which says “Be diligent to know the state of your flocks,
And attend to your herds;”
which means to be careful in the work that we do. Here King Solomon uses a shepherd and his duty as an analogy. It’s the duty of a shepherd to know the state of his flock. Though he is the master who does not deal with his sheep directly it’s his responsibility to know about his flock. In the present day context an higher official should be consistent and careful in getting the reports from his juniors. He has to rely on them for getting the work done and must give freedom to them but at the same time must be diligent to know every minute detail about the progression of the work. The following verses says that riches and honour will be retained by doing so and the blessings mentioned in verses 26 & 27 will follow.

The words that caught my attention is For you shall have enough. Our Lord has promised us to give us all the blessings of this world. He has promised the Israelites that they will be Head and not tail (Deuteronomy 28:14), they will grow and multiply (Ezekiel 36:10) and much more which lasts even till today. The nation Israel has excelled high above all nations. We, the spiritual Israelites will surely inherit all these promises.

The psalmist David says in Psalm 23: 1 ” The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want” This means that there is no necessity in my life and in the same way the Psalmist testifies in Psalm 37:25 “I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread.”. Is this not a great blessing that our Lord has given us. What we need, He gives us even before we ask or after we ask him.

Our Lord has taught us to be content with all that we have. Our Lord will give us exactly what we need. The Lord who fed His people in the wilderness with Manna exactly that they needed for that day. Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour multiplied two loaves and five fish to more than five thousand men till they had enough.

Are you worried that you will run short of something? Are you troubled about your future because you don’t have enough now? Don’t worry. Don’t be troubled. The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing.- Psalms 34:10

Fear Not! For you shall have enough.

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.