Published On: Mon, Jul 12th, 2021

Walk Of Life – Day 12, July 2021 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – Be Diligent!

Be Diligent To Deal Truthfully

Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are His delight. – Proverbs 12:22

Those who deal truthfully are His delight. whose delight? God’s delight. It’s indeed very difficult to be truthful. To please others and to escape from others we are bound to tell lies. This is the time for admissions and how the staffs of every college sell their seats by giving lot of vain assurances. It’s the case with every industry. For some works to be done either in the government sector or through the private concern it has become common to pay extra money. As we see everywhere students struggle hard to get into the particular course they desire which they loose with a lack of just a few marks. Whereas, without any struggle or hard work there are students who buy the course that they desire with money. Where is the justice? where is truthfulness? Wherever we go we have to fight for justice and that too as a parent rising children to be with values and virtues in this compromising world is hectic as the world that they see is entirely different from what we teach. My son always questions me back to my answers as “Why is it my friend’s parents are OK with it?” The only reply I give him all the time is “Our standards are derived from the holy God.”

Are you tired and weary of all the unrighteous deeds? Are you being stagnated in the same position because of your honesty? Are you not receiving any benefits just because of being truthful?

Bundle up all these thoughts and throw it away as you are the child of the Father who sees you all around the clock. He is been given the name by Hagar, the Egyptian servant as EL ROI which means, God sees. She did not allure Abram lustfully but it was her mistress who offered Hagar to her husband so that she might give birth to a child. when was conceived she was sent away. How much agony she would have had? A slave woman, who has no one or nothing where she she would go? They have sent her but the God of Abraham sees her and encourages her. And there she gives the name as El ROI, God who sees.

Do not fret because of evil doers. Do not go against your standards to compromise with those who are not dealing truthfully. Dare not to be truthful at all circumstances. Be careful to be truthful at your home, at school and at play. Wait for the right time though it seems to be long do not take short cuts. Try practicing to be courageous as to be honest at all times it takes a lot of courage. Do not be tempted to take the direction of those who deal untruthfully. Even if you are abused or mocked falsely wait on the EL ROI God. He is the God of Justice.

My dear brother, my dear sister let us unitedly take a stand to deal truthfully. I’m reminded of the Sunday school chorus which goes like this.

Keep me true Lord Jesus Keep me true
Keep me true Lord, Jesus keep me true
There’s a race that I must run,
There are victories to be won,
Give me power every hour to be true.

Be Diligent to deal truthfully and you will be Our Lord’s delight.

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.