Published On: Sun, Aug 22nd, 2021

Walk of Life, Day 22, August 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Right Attitude.

The right attitude to be diligent.

Proverbs 22:29 “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.”

Irrespective of our attitude, many of us have the desire to be standing before or to be known by the important or great people of this world. We dream many times to be exalted before these great men. However, only few of us make up to it. Why is it so? It is because, as the verse in Proverbs 22;29 states it is the man who is diligent in his business that stands before the king. Having the desire is not enough, we ought to work to achieve it.

The right attitude that we are going to learn today is to be diligent. God hath enabled us to meditate on Be Diligent topic the last month, that is, in the month of July. We are once again being reminded today to be diligent.

In spiritual life, we all have the desire to be getting rewards in heaven and seeing ourselves crowned with beautiful crowns. Today, when we examine our lives in Christ, do we still think that we deserve what we desire? I do not think that the answer would be yes for many of us. We do work for the Lord, but we fail to do it with all diligence. Rewards or Crowns require excellence in the work that we do for the Lord. Excellence here does not mean to be extra ordinary in whatever we do. Excellence and diligence in spiritual terms refers to be careful in doing Lord’s work and doing it completely the way He wants you to do it.

We lack such diligence these days, we cannot deny. We no longer care about showing diligence, because we either put more confidence on our strengths or we consider the Lord’s ministry as some secular job.

We might be appearing good outwardly to the members of the Church. Being regular to all gatherings, being there on time, being well versed with the scriptures. All these can easily put you in the good books of believers, in God’s book, I am afraid not. You cannot fool God by trying to please Him by your actions which do not have any life in them. You might brag about the things or duties that you handle, but without the right attitude of diligence, you cannot receive any reward from the king of kings.

Remember, just to meet a worldly person with little greater influence, you be careful in your work to be considered to meet him. How much more careful should we be living in this world to prepare ourselves to meet the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords?

Let us from now, determine to be diligent in doing whatever work God hath asked us to do.

“God is omniscient; He knows precisely what He is doing and what He will accomplish. He doesn’t need our help. God is Sovereign. Our duty is to be careful, eager, and faithful to enter into God’s rest, not our own rest.” Dr. Pazaria Smith

Praise the Lord!

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.