Published On: Fri, Aug 27th, 2021

Walk of Life, Day 27, August, 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs. Right Attitude

The right attitude to take one day at a time.

Proverbs 27:27 “And thou shalt have goat’s milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens.”

The human mind generally revolves around three basic things – food, clothing and shelter. Man is constantly striving hard to get the best in all these three. Once it was to satisfy his need, eventually it has become to satisfy his greed, which never happens. Why do few people always think of earning? Many people say that they are saving for the future. How do they know what is in their future? As a child of God how should our attitude be towards considering or being prepared for a day.

Firstly, do not intervene in God’s plan. Secondly, trust in Him with all your heart.

These two appear to be simple and we might think we are following the both. However, in our weakest time we are guilty of faltering. We make many plans and get disappointed when things do not go as we have planned. One thing that many of us fail to realize is that God is the potter and we are the clay. Have you ever seen clay planning and preparing itself to be made into the shape it desires? No, the shape and purpose of the clay is determined by the potter. We ought not to interfere in God’s plan and purpose that He has regarding us.

Initially we are very careful in waiting for the Lord to do His work. For instance, we keep waiting on the Lord to get a job. God out of His grace blesses us with a decent job. Instead of being satisfied with the blessing that we have received, we keep searching for overtime or side business, to earn more. We plan for ourselves, execute them and seek God to just monitor.

We all see the end result of God’s plan for many great men in the Holy Bible and get inspired to submit and surrender our lives into His hands. What we fail to see is the toughest road that the Lord has taken them through to get the blessing from Him. We see Abraham being the richest man, but fail to see that He came out of his land knowing not where he is going. This simply shows how Abraham obeyed God. In the same way, we see Joseph as the Prime Minister, but we fail to see him being hated by his very own and being in prison for no fault of his. There are many such examples. Abraham never planned taking a pen and paper, writing down what he is going to do in the coming years with all the riches that he has got. Even Joseph did not take time to plan to become great in a foreign land. All they did was to put their trust in the Lord and obey His command.

God’s ways are not a magician’s ways. There is not abracadabra formula. His ways are higher than our ways and thoughts. So, we cannot comprehend why God has allowed few delays and few hurries in our lives.

How can we not think of the future and why should not we think of the future?

We should not be thinking of future and worrying about it because, the Lord Jesus Christ himself told His disciples in Matthew 6:34, not to worry about tomorrow. We have no need to think of the future, because the God who has our future in His hands is Just, Good, and the one who never commits any mistake. We can stop worrying only when we agree that God has our future in His control, we need not interfere to make any alterations, all we need to do is to submit the length of your days to God and ask Him to lead you gently by the green pastures, the still waters, the mountains, the valleys, with Him nothing is difficult.

Taking a day at a time, shows our dependence on God rather than self. Let us depend on God, obey His command, and follow in the way He directs us.



About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.