Published On: Fri, Sep 17th, 2021

Walk of Life-Day 17, September,2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs. Step In.


 Proverbs 17:9 “He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.”

 There are various perspectives which different people hold regarding forgiveness according to their comfort. For few forgiveness is a channel for someone to exalt themselves over the accused and for few others it is just an act for their mental peace, that is, for one’s own benefit.

 How far does the word of God agree with these most common perspectives?

What does the word of God have to say regarding forgiveness?

What forgiveness has to do with love?

Our motto for today is to step in to seek love or to show forgiving love. As we determine to take one step towards seeking love, let us keenly seek what God wants us to do.

We read from the verse Proverbs 17:9 that the one who desires to multiply love will not accuse the accused again and again, but will cover them, hide them with love. I myself have been on this road of separating strong bonds by repeating a matter. There is one reason for the difficulty to forgive, at the same time there is only one remedy.

While the word of God in 1 Corinthians 11:28 asks us to examine ourselves, we are very much concerned in applying the word of God to others’ lives to judge them. This disorder which has been troubling many of us is self-righteousness. The first step to seek love is to deny yourself completely. As long as we see ourselves as someone great, we find it difficult to accept people just the way they are.

How can this be done?

Have you realized that you possess this serious issue of self- righteousness? Do not worry at all. The moment you accept and admit with repentance that you are guilty of being self-righteous, the Holy Spirit will start working in you through the word of God. The place to experience and to learn love is at the cross of Calvary where the Lord Jesus Christ shed His precious blood and died for our sins.

The love that God has towards us is clearly manifested in sending the Lord Jesus Christ, His son to be our substitute on the cross. When His love was able to cover the multitude of our sins, will not the same love be enough for us to cover the small mistake of our brother or sister?

If self-righteousness is the cause for being unforgiving, the in dwelling of the Lord Jesus Christ is the only remedy. When you find it difficult to forgive your brother, just imagine how lovingly the Lord Jesus forgave your dreadful sins. Remind yourself that it is no longer self that rules your moves, but it is the Lord Jesus who directs your steps.

In Hebrews 8:12 we read – “… and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.” Once God forgives you of your sin, He is never going to accuse you about that forgiven sin again. His forgiveness does not keep a record of our sins.

Having the mind of Christ, let us step in now to seek such love, that covers the transgressions of our brethren and increases love, decreases differences.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.