Walk of Life-Day 19, September, 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs. Step In.
Proverbs 19:20 “Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end.”
Once there lived a deer in a deep forest. The mother deer lived with its fawn. One day the deer found no food for her and her baby in the area they lived. So, she decided to go out to find some food. She warned her baby not to come out till she came back home. They deer left the house and the baby deer played inside the home. She waited for so long time for her mother. It was getting dark, still her mother did not arrive home. So, the baby deer came out and fell in the eyes of a lion. The lion at once pounced on the fawn and killed it. The lion wanted to walk for some time and then have the fawn for his dinner. In order to protect its food from being stolen, it appointed a fox to watch over the dead fawn. By the time the lion returned, he found that one of the ears of the dead fawn was missing. He angrily yelled at the fox saying, “How dare you touch my food?” The fox denied, but the debate went on. The fox went to enquire the mother deer if the fawn had single or two ears? The mother deer with sad eyes says, “My baby had no ears at all. If only it had ears, it would be living today.”
We read in the book of Revelation a phrase repeated, that is, “He who has an ear, let him hear.” Physically, we all have ears. We do listen to many things with our ear, but here the word of God calls us to step in to hear to the counsel of God which is present in His word richly. We ought to have the desire to hearken unto the word of God.
In Colossians 3:16 we read that we should let the word of God dwell in us richly. In John 16th chapter we also read that the Holy Spirit teaches us from the word that dwells in us. So, only if you hearken and store yourself with the word of God, you can see the guidance of God.
However, being a mere hearer of the word and not being a doer of the word bringeth no victory. We should hearken unto the word of God, receive instruction from it and do according to the received instruction. Only then can we see victory in the latter end.
Let us now determine to step in to hear the counsel of God.