Published On: Wed, Oct 6th, 2021

Walk of Life, Day 06, October, 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs. OPT TO


Proverbs 6:5 “Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.”


Is there any bird that dislikes freedom and desires to be kept in a cage? This verse reminds me of a hen which struggles a lot by shouting and wiggling, trying its best to make itself free from the hands of the butcher. This might appear so simple to us, but there lies a precious message for a child of God to reap from this instance.

As we read in the verse from Proverbs 6:5, we are advised to deliver ourselves. We also read the caption for today’s devotion, that is, ‘Opt to be free.’ Opt shows us the need for choice or for a decision to be made.

No doubt that our struggle and our efforts can never deliver us. However, do we realize that we are in a situation where we need to wake up and desire for deliverance?

We all were delivered from the power and penalty of sin through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. However, we still live in the presence of sin. So, it becomes mandatory for every child of God to stay alert at all times and examine if they have been trapped or are living a free life in Christ.

Satan is very deceptive. Just like the fowler and the hunter, he spreads a net for the children of God to fall into it. As we read in the beginning of today’s devotion, no bird would want to be caught as a captive. In the same way, no child of God would willingly desire to get back into the same bondage from which he has been delivered. Yet, we fall many times in this spiritual walk. We cannot escape by saying Satan is tempting us, because we have got the whole armor of God as mentioned in Ephesians 6:11. Being well equipped with it, no weapon can prevail against us.

That is what we can understand from today’s verse. Deliverance can happen only through the armor of God that we ought to put on continuously.

Dear friend, did you examine yourself and check if you are caught up in the subtle nets spread by the wicked one? Is there any desire in you to come out of it, to be delivered? Have you stopped desiring for deliverance and did you start getting adjusted to the net atmosphere, just thinking that God will no longer accept you?

This is what Satan does, he has been a doubt planter since day one. He will make you think that God is vexed up in correcting you. However, our God promised to carry us till the end of our breath. The arms which were opened on the day of your salvation, are opened even today.

We must have forsaken Him and must have left Him many time, but He says, “I will not forsake you and will never leave you.”

Trust in Him. Awake and pray that you be delivered from the clutches of Satan. However worse the situation might appear to you, however mighty the addiction might look. Remember, our God is an Almighty God and nothing is impossible to Him. He will surely deliver you!


About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.